I try my best to not be upset about it, I knew what the lifestyle included. I even called to leave voicemails for her. She's an idol and her schedule's filled up since the announcement of the series. There's been a lot of interviews and photo shoots she's had to attend, as well as other performances. She's a busy person, and there's been times where she's disappeared for a few days. But, this felt different. I don't know why, but it just seemed like an uneasy feeling in my gut, a weight on my shoulders. It's hard to explain.

    My peaceful walk came to an end when the cafe came into view. I could smell the sweets and coffee wafting through the air already. It never failed to lift my mood, even if only a little. The shop was small and not really all that popular, but I haven't found anything they serve that I didn't like. Might be the fact that it's all homemade, reminds me of when my mom would bake for us.

    I opened the door to the café. The smell and sounds washed over me as I entered like a warm, welcoming blanket. I waved to the girl behind the counter, who waved back, as I went to my seat. Namkyu and Yeonghwan weren't hard to find. We had a normal table we sat at, so I just went right for it. As expected, they were there.

    "Hey, guys, what's up?" I asked, sitting down and placing my computer bag in front of me on the table.

    "That was fast, were you already out?" Namkyu asked.

    "Yeah, I was actually looking for a place to grab lunch when you guys hit me up. Good timing, I'd say."

    "We ordered your regular for you, hope that's cool." Yeonghwan stretched with a yawn as he talked.

    "Yeah, sounds great, actually. What's new with you guys?"

    "Nothing, really." Yeonghwan sighed. "GH is still looking for the perfect producer. I asked what they were looking for and even applied, but got rejected. I guess he wants me to focus on my work with B.I.G. But it still stings. They even had the nerve to ask me to keep an eye out."

    "Did they even tell you what to look for?" Namkyu chuckled.

    "Yeah... They did."

    "What are they looking for?" I asked.

    The girl from the counter interrupted with a small bow and passed out our drinks, calling each order out to make sure the order went to the right person. After she passed the orders out, she bowed again and then went back to the counter.

    "Honestly," Yeonghwan continued. "I think Y/n would be perfect for the role. They want someone that can make aggressive tracks and be able to switch it up here and there. Actually, they're now using Blackpink's new mini-album as an example."

    "The irony of you telling Y/n to try out before." Namkyu laughed before taking a sip of his coffee.

    "Right? I still think he should. More so now than before."

    I took a sip of my hot chocolate, allowing the offer to settle in my mind. Their conversation faded into the background. I was quickly snapped back into reality by Yeonghwan though.

    "You okay, man?"

    "Yeah, sorry."

    "Well? What do you say? I mean, you're not doing anything production-wise now, right?"

    "Yeah, YGE hasn't been in touch for anything other than royalties."

    "Then come on board!" Yeonghwan's voice raised, becoming more excited. "There's nothing to lose! If they're not gonna use your talents, you may as well go to a company that will."

    "You won't lose out on anything, you'll still get your royalties from YGE. That alone will probably cushion you, why not add some extra money with this new group?" Namkyu reasoned. "Sure, they're not in the big 4, but who cares?"

    "Fine. See if you can get a meeting, and I will at least talk with your CEO and see what happens. It's not the company's status, I couldn't care less. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to work with anyone besides Blackpink."

    "Yes!" Yeonghwan stood up and thrust his fist into the air. "I may not be getting the position, but I'm about to deliver the exact person he used for the example! I'm gonna run out and make the call, be right back."

    He ran off like an excited kid in a store, running to the toy aisle. Myself and Namkyu just chuckled and shook our heads. This was just Yeonghwan being Yeonghwan.

    "So, what's really going on?" Namkyu asked.


    "Look, I know you fairly well by now. Something isn't right."

    My eyes met his and that was when I broke. I heaved a sigh and turned toward him and began explaining what was going on with Jennie. He listened intently and nodded every now and then, letting me know that he's taking in what I'm saying.

    He agreed that something felt off, but encouraged me to keep my head up. We didn't get to talk too long due to Yeonghwan running back with the same excitement and enthusiasm that he left with. I decided I would tell Yeonghwan about it in our group chat later.

    "Eonjeong Said he can see you tomorrow whenever you have time. He has all day tomorrow."

    "Sounds good to me. I don't have anything going on either."

    I guess I start to turn a new page. I don't know if I can repeat the success of Blackpink's new album with this new group... But it never hurts to try, right?

To be continued...

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