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I couldn't fall asleep.

It felt like a never-ending nightmare and I just couldn't understand how that had happened. Maybe I was dumb enough to trigger that and show Dice, once again, that I couldn't be the person I wanted.

I moved on the bed thinking about Scott and the guys being in the worst conditions ever and I was living the deluxe lifestyle. I wasn't enjoying it at all.

In the middle of the night, I sat on the bed and thought about what they could be thinking of. It was almost a certain thing that Scott hates me by now, praying to every God to never see me again.

The sun rose and I didn't want to look at my Grandma's face, so I sat on front of Mars and stared at her attempts to not stare back, maybe because she was scared or because she didn't really know what to say.

Charlotte served the fruit cake and poured the coffee in our mugs, placing the cake on the table. I didn't move. My Grandma kept looking at me while I looked at her.

All I wanted to do was literally fly towards her neck, commit murder with my own two hands, no help of a gun nor other people.

"Are you going to eat?" she asked, slicing a piece of her omelette.

"How can I, knowing that lives are in jail because of me?" I raised an eyebrow and she looked at me. "You really don't understand how much this hurts me, do you?"

"If you're not gonna eat then don't eat!" I raised an eyebrow again. "Mars, I need you to come with me to an important lunch. It'll be followed by a visit to the local orphanage." Mars looked at me, like she was asking permission and I nodded in a discreet way.

I spent another 25 minutes at the table, looking at the food surrounding it and occasionally looking at my Grandma like she was the worst person in the world. I then remembered the letter I had to write to give to Mike and I got up.

"Where are you going?" my Grandma asked and I stared at her, rolled my eyes and went straight to the guest room.

In the little shelf next to the desk, I searched for a notepad and, finding it, I grabbed a pen and sat on the floor, starting to write.

The letter was messy and unorganized but I said everything I wanted to sat, clearly stating my changes would begin today. I didn't even care, I had to do this... for me.

I texted Mike saying that at 1.20pm I'd be at the hair salon and I'd hand him the letter there.


The time arrived and I put on the same clothing I had yesterday, some money on my pocket and my phone. I glanced at its screen and noticed I had a missed call from a private number. I decided not to care about it and I went straight to the place.

As soon as I got there, Mike rushed and gave me a hug. He was wearing a beanie and sunglasses, but I figured it'd be better if I didn't ask why. His hug was so comfy and it seemed like I'd find 50% of my peace in there.

"You'll be okay, honey." he said while I handed him the letter. He smiled, putting it on his bag and quickly left the place, entering his car and driving away.

I sat down on one of the chairs and the man who looked like the hairdresser approached me.

"Cut my fringe eye-length and dye it. Whatever color you want, just change this hair color." I said and he looked at me surprised. I closed my eyes as I felt my head tilting back and water running down my thin hair.

Two hours later and a "okay, done" heard, I opened my eyes. I didn't even recognize myself, the little child I was before was nothing compared to the grown-up I am now. Attitude and leadership appearing in my look, and a cold, decided person emerged from that chair.

I was in love.

I looked around and the people at the salon were looking at me, smiling. I then went to the nearby Givenchy store, then Versace, Gucci, Chanel and Opening Ceremony. I bought whatever I damn well pleased, spending tons of money.

And then, what I wanted the most.

"Hello." the tattoo girl smiled at me as soon as I arrived. I already had called them and said that I wanted four tattoos. They weren't big tattoos, just symbols. She said it was a bit dangerous, but I didn't care. I wanted them all today.


Loads of hours later, and me ending up being the only client of the day, I left the parlor and everyone clapped at me. Some of them were shocked at my sudden change, though.

The prince of the United Kingdom with dark teal hair and with an Aphex Twin logo on my left forearm and crystals on my left wrist. I smiled at them all, I was so famous.

I hopped on my motorcycle and headed home, where everyone looked at me, shocked.

"What on Earth have you done?!" my Grandma said, standing up and staring at me.

"What I wanted to." I smiled at her ironically and I went upstairs. I took a quick shower, applied the cream on the fresh tattoos and put on my favorite outfit: the orange Alexander McQueen printed shirt I have, my new baggy sweatpants with the sideways zipper and black and white boots.


I left the house again and I headed towards the nightclub near the sea, taking an Uber. As I got there everyone stared at me, they knew who I was and last time they saw me I was with Alex, Esther and Avi.

I sat down by the bar and four men approached me.

"Where do you belong to, prince?"

"Mitch." I raised an eyebrow. For all I know, the guys didn't really have a name. "Hoying's gang." I said and they immediately bugged their eyes at me.

"We're alone." one of them said. "This is Todrick, Anthony and Tyler. I'm Connor. They thought we weren't enough just because we didn't successfully completed a mission." he said and I stared. "They think we're too weak for Hoying."

"Why are you telling me that?"

"Because Hoying is in jail and it's your choice now that they're not here, Mitch." Anthony said and I stared at him. "The more people we gather, the faster we get them out of there."

"C'mon, Mitchell!" Tyler said. "Let's join forces and get them out. You're not afraid, are you?" he raised an eyebrow and I smiled.

I started writing an address on a piece of paper, a napkin.

"The house you'll be staying in. Welcome." I smirked handing the napkin and stealing Todrick's cigarette.

"Hi!" I heard two girls approaching us. "I'm Audrey and she's Jose. We were listening to your convo and we want to join in. Maybe it'll be nice, you seem to be mature enough." she raised an eyebrow.

"More people than I thought. I'll be there in the morning, we'll gather. I'll show them all that my changing is worth it." I exhaled the smoke and we toasted to freeing them.

All of that was because of Scott. Because wanting it or not, him being away or not, we still cannot stop.

He's not afraid (a Scott Hoying & Mitch Grassi fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now