Prologue (REVISED APR'22)

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At times, unspecified times, everything just manifests into your life in incredibly easy ways. Sometimes, life becomes just a tad too easy. And sometimes, those... manifestations make us feel good, they please us. But the question is: do we really want them? Are we being selfish, or needy, or is it basic human desire?

Living far away from actual realistic reality and away from everything you can possibly truly desire is a paradox that can be devastating. I'll admit it, having a really good education is nice (I guess being privileged is nice), but it's not something I truly desire to have. Same thing with being accompanied by security guards every single where I go: I don't desire it, I don't want it, and yet here I am, being watched and protected by over ten bulky men everywhere I go. And the worst part of it all is not being able to enjoy the dangers that life has to teach. Don't think I'm afraid, because I'm not: I can't be, I don't desire it. But regardless of what I desire or not, what I need is to NOT let my grandma down, with her being none other than the Queen of the United Kingdom.

You may be thinking "Oh my God, to have such massive privilege!! That's everyone's dream!" Well, good for everyone. It's not mine, though. Call me abnormal, I guess.

And you may be thinking "Ok Mitch, I get it  What do you desire then?" I'll tell you.

I want to live by my own rules, with my desires, without knowing any physical boundaries and spatial limits.

I want to know how it feels to smoke weed, something that the Elite claims is "harmful" but the general population claims it's awesome to consume.

I want to know what rough sex - scratch that, rough fuck - is exactly and why some people claim is better than regular sex. All my life I've heard about sex in a reproductive manner, but I had no uterus and I do not wish to fill a uterus anytime soon.

I want to know what heavy drinks are and why do people say you need to be strong to take them.

What are these nightclubs that my college friends go to every other Friday to get piss-faced and high as kites?

How does it feel like to live without rules?

I need one person, that's all. One fucking person who's brave enough to pull me out of this hell hole and who's willing to show me all of those things. Show them to me, a uncommon 19 year old boy.

And I don't care who that person is. Like I said: I'm not afraid.

He's not afraid (a Scott Hoying & Mitch Grassi fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora