Date: 26/5, Thurs

17 0 0

  Luke's hollering woke me up. I dive under the blanket and back into my own thoughts simultaneously. My younger brother hollers again, with evidently more annoyance this time. 'What?' I demand, not bothering to open the door. 'Celestia, you're finally awake! Hurry up, you're late!' He keeps on yelling. iPad says it's 7:38 a.m. I'm supposed to be at school by 7:55. Why didn't Aranobrac wake me up today? I hoist my bag on my shoulders after breaking my record speed of gargling mouthwash while changing clothes, then take the lift all the way down the fancy ass building, exit the equally fancy lobby and hurtle out onto the busy street.

Time now is 7:42, says my iPad. 13 minutes left. Avoiding cars and dodging pedestrians, I push myself to go faster and faster, occasionally gasping for air. Moving things blur past me. Seeing the waiting cars on the road, I run the red light in desperation, covering the school emblem on my uniform with a hand. A thrill of rebellion against road safety regulations flicks through my mind. Never have I been more glad of living within walking distance to school. 1 final turn encourages me to sprint. With the familiar pink and white and blue school in sight, I keep on adding speed. I've never expected myself to be relieved by going into hell, but crazy things happen.

A bunch of construction workers abruptly charge in sideways, carrying a rectangle sheet of glass with gloved hands, blocking my way. The gate is right in front of me yet I have to wait for those blockheads to hurry up. 7:53. That glass sheet multiplies in numbers. Each the size of window walls. Plenty more construction workers -holding glass without any anti-shock packaging on them- follows the first group in tight formation, creating an impenetrable barrier. If only I can scare them away without mentioning M germs...

Apple slides into an empty seat next to me in free period, her long black ponytail curls swinging in action. Her eyes slide to my forehead. 'Didn't see you this morning, Celestia. Were you late?' I wipe sweat off my face, 'Nope, I made it on time.' 'Have you heard? They say students were late this morning because of construction workers blocking the school gate while transporting glass.' She questions. 'Tell me something I don't know.' My voice laces with challenge. 'A student got through the blockage by holding a container of boiling water with an arm's length and screaming "boiled water" while charging towards them. They leapt sideways ASAP. Many glasses were smashed into glistening pieces.' 'Interesting,' I mumble, tucking my bangs behind an ear, 'are they ready to sue him?' 'No. First off, it's a she. Secondly, those people knew blocking our school gate was wrong. Suing will only highlight their wrongness, basically...' She paused, 'they've decided to pay for the broken glass themselves, I think. They are talking with Chief Principal outside the gates this minute.'

Cautiously peeking out the window, Apple joins me seconds later. Indeed, they are rapidly discussing. Outside the school gates, shards of glass lie everywhere. Literally broken pieces everywhere. Maintaining silent, I prepare to duck down in case they see me. Having a hothead moment, Apple opens the window and shouts 'Serves you right, bastards! Don't you dare block the gates ever again!' I stop dead in horror as they -including Chief Principal- turn towards us. 'That's her!' Cries a construction worker as he points at me, 'Freeze!'

Ducking out of sight, I sit on the floor, glancing at an appalled Apple. 'Is "she" you?' Her aghast expression mirrors mine, 'Are you crazy?' 'Don't hide! Show your identity!' The construction worker shouts. Shut up already! 'Don't tell anyone -please- I need to hide,' I whisper, 'what you told me earlier is partially true. I don't want to pay the price if you're wrong.' 'We're the only ones here,' Apple replies, 'hate being late much?' Sticking to shadows, I sidle towards the medical room. 'Ya think? I haven't had breakfast.' There's no way I can explain my personal maid's existence -as my alarm clock- without exposing my family background.

Hi, Ms. Windy

Could you please tell me the date, time, and venue of the prom? I've texted some of my classmates, they replied that the prom's on 30/5, 7/7,17/7. Which is very confusing. Thx for your attention!

Bye, Celestia


Howdy! Could you guys leave a vote? And maybe a piece of your mind in the comments ? Thanks!   

Btw, I used the name XYZ in my drafts and stuck to it after completing the story. Just because I can. (Tee hee hee.) While writing, I spent some time scrolling through baby names. I once considered Angelica/Angel initially, then impulsively decided not to.  

My 1st PromOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora