Date: 20/6, Mon

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  My female rite of passage began before I left my bed: my uterus is cramping severely, the sheets splattered red. I now have to wear menstruation pads for a week per month, starting today. Along with them came the brand new training bras. ( I don't see the need for them-how do you train your boobs? ) Good thing Mum informed me about periods in advance. That's 84 days -per year- to go nuts, including frequent worrying - "oh wait, is blood soaking through my uniform?" I haven't left the suite and it's already driving me crazy. Aranobrac hands me extra pads during breakfast, 'Doing exercise will ease the pain. Why not take a pill after your first day? See how you'll handle it.' Constantly changing pads just to absorb my butt blood is sooooo irritating. It's weird to have liquid dripping out from my private area, even weirder sitting down. Is growing up only a promotion from baby diapers to teenage diapers?

I originally planned to change it at recess but the lesson is prolonged. Dashing back to the classroom, I twist the door handle but the door itself doesn't budge. I'm really tempting to climb in through the windows if it doesn't expose my bloody undies. (I'm certain it's sticky with butt blood.) Seems like the best solution is waiting for the key keeper while my butt leaks blood like a sewage pipe.

Apple gallops by. 'Celestia, there you are. Why didn't you respond to my texts Friday after school?' 'Wi-Fi's down at my place,' I show concern on my face, making sure my front -not my back- is facing her, 'Is it importan-' 'You were online WhatsApping someone else. I'm not dumb. Who is she?' She demands. I can feel my patience chipping away bit by bit. 'My uncle,' I clench my teeth, trying to feel less snappish than I already do, 'I used dat-' 'Why didn't you respond to MY texts too?' Apple frowns, 'We played together in Primary 2 when I first got here.' 'I remember,' I say. Even her voice is annoying. She screeches in my face, 'I need to check your phone!' Wha- 'Give it!' Her fingers uncurl to an open palm. Do you have to be this annoying? 'Phone ran out of battery,' I try not to snap at her. Maybe it's only my period agony. Apple drops her arm as I grab my chance, 'My turn, Apple. Why assume I'm texting a girl?' She opens and closes her mouth, and seems to run out of words. My butt feels like it's being pinched loads of times, I have to get a painkiller later. 'I'm not that immature!' Apple dismisses my first question, 'Why does Nick call you Celcel? Does he know he's being ridicul-?' I counter vaguely, 'How do I know?' Tired of the conversation, she gallops away with a "Who cares?" I make the mistake of turning. Several gallops later, she exclaims, 'Your behind is bleeeeeeeeding!' Her voice echoes through the corridor, louder than a tooting elephant. I don't have anything cheeky to retort.

The key keeper unlocks the door, I run straight to my school bag and grab my period pads. Red blood stands out from white fabric. Heading over to the toilet speedily, everyone knows I've started my menstruation cycle. I run past Nick who's talking to Eva, 'And Celcel's like......' They're either onto my eyebrows or on to how I've ignored him for months. Butt blood shoves curiosity into a box, heavily restricting it.

The bloody eye-catching stain is still there. Nick shuts up as he and Eva observes my spectacular toilet dash. Another thing for Eva to make fun of. Fantastic. I've finished what I had to do, staring at the empty space where Eva and Nick were. Why did he give me a nickname when we're not even close?

Luke whispers feverishly from his bed, 'I want water.' I slide off a chair to fulfill his request, coming back with one full cup. My uterus is better after I made sure to swallow a pill. 'ARANOBRAC!' I demand, 'COME ASAP!' 'My throat hurts. Is Mum here ye-' He coughs uncontrollably and sips water. His back is heating up more than his forehead. 'Mum's coming home soon,' I pick up his stuffed seal from the ground, 'she said that over the phone. ARANOBRAC! WHERE ARE YOU?' Luke closes his eyes and tries to sleep, kicking the blanket his maid folded earlier onto the floor. 'It seems that being sick doesn't stop you from being inconsiderate.' I reach for the thermometer resting on his table and carefully insert the tip into his ear. 37.8 degrees Celsius. 'Is your maid in the house?' I ask, 'I can call for her.' He turns on his side, facing the wall, 'She took today off, I'm bored.' 'What did the peanut ask the nut?' I thrust his seal into his arms, 'Where's the toilet?' 'That's not even funny.' Sweat drips off his face, 'It's so hot in here.'

Blond hair and blue eyes are in my face the next second. 'Celestia?' Aranobrac asks. 'What took you so long?' I try not to sound accusing. 'I thought you were in your wardrobe.' She twiddles her thumbs, 'What do you need me for?' Luke coughs hackingly. 'Watch over Luke and give him what he needs.' I go to my room and start on homework.

I'm back a few minutes later to find Aranobrac occupying his chair. 'Here's a joke: what stinks the most in my life?' I try helping him get better, 'My shoes.' Luke doesn't even snort. Aranobrac forces a smile. 'Luke?' I punch him lightly but he doesn't respond. He's throwing up seconds later. Gross. Aranobrac leaps to her feet in a second, easing Luke into a good barfing position. 'Aranobrac, can you tidy up later? And tell Mum I'm butt-bleeding?' I pinch my nose, inhaling puke stink. Luke vomits mouthfuls on his sheets. 'Ok, Celestia.' Aranobrac's eyebrows meet together, 'I will sort everything out when your brother's done. Relax.' Luke retches, upper body trembling from time to time. 'Call another maid if you need help.' I continue breathing in with my mouth. 


This chapter might be a tad bit boring without Nick or Apple or XYZ. ಠ__ಠ  But the next chapter is guaranteed to be more exciting if you stick around!\(^o^)/  

(^ waggles eyebrows) Is it not too late to ask for votes ? 

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