Date: 1/6, Wed

10 0 0

Noting the busy atmosphere of people talking at the same time, I sit down. Girls are way more excited than boys. Eva -circular helper- is distributing notices. A girl whom I'm not bothered to know receives hers, reads it and squeals unintentionally, jumping up and down in joy. Other girls crowd around her, all talking in hushed yet obviously excited voices. Keeping my face empty, I casually peek at her notice, dying to know what's going on. Eventually, Eva only has one last notice to distribute. She casually heads towards me, pulling out a hand sanitizer from her pocket. I gulp, shrinking into the chair. 'Get your own circular next time,' she performs a ritual of sanitising her hands before slamming the notice on my table, 'I'm not your friend. By the way, you wouldn't be self-centered enough to actually be there, would you?' Sugar honey ice tea. She snorts and leaves, thankfully not expecting an answer. Incomparably rejected, I hastily skim the words, then refrain from squealing in delight. For one magical night, all my problems will go away. The prom circular has finally been issued.

"Experimental Activity: Year-end Mocktail Gathering"

Date: 12 July (Tuesday)

Time: 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Venue: School Hall

Participants: Secondary One to Secondary Five students

Fees: Hong Kong $100 per person (including Social Dance workshop, non-alcoholic drinks and snacks, souvenir)

Activities: Dancing, Performances and Lucky Draw

Remarks: 1) Participation in this activity is entirely voluntary.

2) Students would be strongly encouraged to maintain their discipline and return home straight away after the activity.

3) Tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

4) Students would be advised to bring an eye mask to the masquerade.

5) Those who wish to run for Belle of The Night and Beau of The Night should notify their CTs to sign up as members of prom court on or before 7/6.

Mum texts me after school. "Please pick Luke up after school. His tutorials end at 4." I reply with an ok emoji, standing besides the meeting point. Chucking my bag on a wooden bench near the tuck shop (rendezvous point), I grab my earphones, plug them into the iPad and start listening to nightcore. The only thing that gives me peace of mind besides sleeping. I shut my eyes for 3 and a half blissful minutes, allowing the melody to vacuum my sadness out.

I sense a shift in the old bench, discovering a new weight beside me. I would've gone back to playing tunes had I not seen a charming brown haired guy sit about 30 cm away. Not just any charming guy, he's the reason why I can make it through the long school days. On the same bench. I look around, checking if anyone else noticed. Those strangers are either unaware of broken S1G2 codes or they don't care.

He puts his bag down, eyes sliding to my screen. Curiosity dancing in those dark brown eyes, I can't tell the exact shade of colour they are. Risking my safe haven, I look around once more, scanning for Eva. She isn't here. Wordlessly, I yank one earbud out from my ear and hold it up. He hesitates before plugging it in his ear, eyes searching mine in confirmation. My mouth immediately goes dry. I blink on purpose. Then the old bench creaks as Nick scoots closer with care. Until there's less than an inch between us. I hope you like tunes.

The lyrics comfort me. I remain relaxed while sharing my safe refuge with a guy until the song ends. I wipe the sweat off my hands, taking a deep breath. 'D-do you want t-to choose the next song?' I ask boldly. 'Nah, you go ahead.' He twirls the earphones' plastic coated wire -by an unknown driving force, maybe?-and the earbud part is still in his ear.

I pick my favourite song. As the music plays, my fingers mindlessly rub and twirl the plastic coated wire close to my ear. Maybe it's the music, or us sharing an iPad. I put myself forward, 'Do you like it?' 'Yeah, cutie,' he doesn't balk, 'It's nice.' Both of us fall silent, letting music form a connection between us. Nick reads the song names, unconsciously twirling the wire with a pinky. I find myself doing the same on a whim. Sharing song after song with Nick is enjoyable. Some parts of me, the vulnerable and the strong and the sorrow, flow to him along with the rhythm. An unplanned smile makes its way across my lips. As if on cue, the sun showers us with its beams from behind, casting our shadows on the tiles. A boy and a girl sharing earphones, their pinkies entwining through loops of string. Seeing the shadows, Nick makes the peace sign with his fingers, eyes glinting mischievously. He playfully holds his hand just above my head. My shadow turns into a bunny girl. I add a horn to his, studying his exact hair colour shade. His hair's very sleek up close. I wanna touch it. He sets his arm down, 'Are you in prom court?' Who is he kidding? 'No, ummmmm... I don't exactly know who's running for Prom Queen.'

A third shadow casts between us, to my surprise. I turn around. 'Celestia, time to go home,' Luke says. I drop back into reality, 'This was-fun, but never happened.' I switch my iPad off, lightly plucking the earbud from Nick's ear and mine. Nick -the ever so energetic social person- slumps, 'Going back to ignoring me?' My heart might have pounded unstably. 'Why?' He doesn't wait for an answer. I avoid looking at him, at his disappointment. He sees you as nothing more than a friend. 'Yes,' I pack my belongings, 'my ... current situation isn't good, you see.' I stand up. 'What situation? I can help.' He's so oblivious. 'No you can't. You've got friends and a school life ahead.' 'You too, Celestia.' I deliberately make eye contact with him one last time. 'Uh huh. Bye, cutie,' Nick's smile vanished without a trace. 'I-I really enjoyed it just now.' I try making him smile. He doesn't.

'Is he your boyfriend?' Luke asks. 'No.' I reply truthfully, cheeks flaming a hint hotter. Never, at this rate. 'And I thought my sister was annoying.' Nick mutters. 'You have a sister?' I ask. He must've seen a question mark reflecting in my eyes. 'Yah, she's in a different school.' 'Is she older than you ?' I grasp the conversation topic firmly. Nick's holding on too, 'I'm older, and that means I can boss her around.' His smile reaches his eyes. Luke scuffs his shoe with detailed attention, then hops off, 'Nature calls, have fun chatting.'

'Are you sure about your decision?' Nick tries to grip my wrist but stops halfway. I avoid gazing into his eyes, 'Yeah, why are you acting nice?' I can't bear whatever pitying excuse he gives. 'I thought you were deaf-mute,' he answers honestly. Deaf and mute? What the heck? Nice smiles tentatively at my wide-eyed expression, 'Tell me if you'd like someone to listen to nightcore with.' 'Does that involve talking?' I question carefully. 'Not if you don't, cutie,' he shrugs indifferently, 'Have you not noticed a suppressed vibe you give out?' I have no idea what to say, 'No? As in a suppressed glow or something?'

Luke wanders out of the toilet and I wave him over. 'Pinky promise?' I wriggle my pinky. Nick locks his with mine, 'I'm all ears.' 'You only have two,' Luke notes. 'Shouldn't you take him home? Or should I say the...third wheel?' Nick teases. If Luke's the third wheel, what are we? 'I'm not a third wheel, I'm a crowd,' Luke deadpans, 'as in "three's a crowd".' 'You seem more like a fluffy furball to me.' Nick ruffles my brother's hair. Luke's stomach rumbles audibly. 'We should go,' I wave, 'à bientôt.'

I walk home with Luke. 'Can you do me a favour?' I request, waving a packet of chips I've bought earlier at school -even though my pocket money is running low- around. He walks side by side with me, 'What?' 'Don't snitch about-about the guy I hung out with.' He nudges me in the ribs before snatching the chips, 'Is it bad?' 'No, not at all. It's not even wrong. Dad and Mum can get suspicious.' 'Only if you help me do my Chinese homework,' he twiddles his thumbs, tearing the food packet.



Ladies and gents, a vote to celebrate Celestia finally going somewhere with Nick ?  (She's  opening up to him! Woohoo!) A comment or suggestion wouldn't hurt either. (^ insert winky face) 

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