Prom night (part 4)

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  Pop music amps up right away. 'Remember that song we listened to?' 'Which song?' His brown eyes never seemed more intoxicating, 'It's the same one I chose.' 'The dance isn't over,' I wink, both hands on my hips, 'whatcha waiting for?' His smile is brighter than the stars, 'By some miracle, you-we didn't miss a single song.' 'Danse avec moi?' I ask in my best French. 'It takes two to tango,' Nick actively holds my hand, taking me to another empty spot on the dance floor somewhere close to the stage.

We clap and sidestep, facing each other. Nick snaps his fingers to the beat as a certain sugar rush courses through my chest. Dancing with him. I'm actually dancing with him! His eyes slide down from my face, 'Celcel? Can I touch th-?' 'Yeah.' His fingertips touch the gem, voice in awe, 'I can't believe this is how a real diamond is like.' I cup it, our fingers touching. I ignore my heart rate intensity. He gradually lets go, eyes wide, 'Need a ring to match?'

'Now don't kill my vibe, Swanspin.' My dress swirls around my legs as I go from side to side, 'Just because you're a fab dancer doesn't mean we're soulmates.' 'We've got chemistry,' he says as the song comes to a close, 'don't we?' And the next upbeat song begins. I spin, pink dress swishing nonstop, 'And my chemistry reaction?' 'Positively sizzling,' I boop his nose for good measure.

The diamond glows brighter than ever. I might be blissfully glowing as well. My heartbeat seems to pulse with the beat. Nick gives me a wry smile and I return one right back. Entirely over the moon, I shut my eyes, allowing the music to cover everything and truly letting myself go. Before I know it, I'm dancing without any self-doubt at all. Each move is both on beat and energetic, going boom boom boom along with the tempo. The first thing I see -after opening my eyes- is Nick's delighted smirk. He's moving as though he's purely hooked onto the rhythm, 'I can dance all night!' I beam at him, 'Me too!' My body doesn't stop dancing freely, diamond bouncing with motion.

I'm living it up. No difference to a tigress running free in the wild.

I don't ever want to stop moving.

This song, and the next, and the next, we remain partners amid a sea of dancing people.

Until the melody slows enough to be classified as a 'couples' dance'. My mouth goes dry and I pause unwillingly. Nick is neither moving nor standing still. His gaze dips between the dance floor and me, then back to the dance floor. I wonder if he wants to have a go with some other beauty. It's natural for him to find another girl. But what if he does? What if he says 'too bad'? Or what if some other girl asks him to partner up? I swallow hard.

'Hey cutie...' He begins in quiet hesitation, but doesn't carry on. It would've been amusing to see a popular guy getting abashed if I'm not so nervous. 'So,' I can barely hear my voice over the romantic music, 'I get it if you wanna-' 'Be my dance partner?' He gestures to the suddenly less crowded area, 'if that's ok ?' A tentative smirk from him is enough to make me breathless. 'More than ok,' I give him what I hope is a flirty grin while he places a hand on the small of my back, 'you're my type too.'

Nick's eyes twinkle behind his midnight mask when we sway along the rhythm. I melt into his arms, following his lead. Then the world fades away until there's only us and the music.

Nick's friends stare at us like a bunch of owls while we walk out the Hall. Eva and Apple are -thankfully- not here anymore. 'You're the best dance buddy,' I nudge him, 'thanks.' 'You mean an extremely hot and equally talented ... friend, cutie,' Nick sounds unsure. I swallow my saliva while his friends seem taken aback. At his uncertainty or at the diamond on my neck, I can't tell. 'Uh-huh. But we can try to...' I try stringing the correct words up, 'keep in touch and see what happens next?'

Nick, to my relief, doesn't seem horrified. For a second I wonder if I'm too eager to rush into a relationship with him, like a fortune hunter after a rich, single man. He thinks for a moment, 'Cool, we'll study a 2-in-1 course of French and Frenching in... July or August?' No I'm not over eager-we have a whole summer to have fun. 'August,' I sweep my hair over a shoulder, 'what's Frenching?' Unless I'm wrong. Both of us choose not to heed the stares and the whispers and the pointed fingers. Unless teasing me was only a game for him. 'French kissing 101,' he smirks the kind of smirk capable of making many girls fall over and swoon, 'allow me to introduce lip function.'

'Jeez...Prince Charming.' I look into his eyes, trying not to be all blushy.

'What's on your mind?'

'Nothing.' I avert my eyes, picking up my dress in my hands, 'Guess charmer is your middle name. Huh.'

'You were going to say something before "Prince Charming", right?' He squeezes my hand lightly, not letting go. 'Is it half butt?'

'No!' I giggle, taking both of his hands in mine on impulse. 'You don't really wanna find out.'

'Yeah I do.' He's so dreamy.

'Save it for your wedding,' I glance at Nick's flabbergasted squad -not appalled, just in deep shock- 'I'll fill you in later.' They take the hint and leave, taking their nudges and whispers with them.

'Celcel?' Nick ruffles my bangs before hooking them behind an ear.

'Can I take you out?' I ask. Like how I practised a million times in the mirror beforehand.

'Sure. No refunds, cutie,' Nick jokes, 'I'm a ladies' man.'

'Tu... Tu me plais.' I speak clearly, 'Are you up for friendshippy?' Nothing can go wrong in a mixture of being friends and dating, right? He blushes, alluring brown eyes pulling me in, 'Je vous aime aussi.' I'm about to sprout wings and join the butterflies fluttering in my chest. 'How did you speak French fluently?' Nick asks, 'I didn't think you'd know how.' 'I might have watched love declarations in French-' My iPhone dings like a microwave timer. 'That would be my family, gotta check it,' I release Nick's hands to fish my phone out.

For a second, Nick looks as though he's caught off guard, not sure where to put his hands. Then he stuffs them in his pockets. I find it cute even a guy like him gets nervous. A bunch of people are ushered out of the hall -by a new bouncer- in flurries of dresses and tuxes.

'My Dad's going to pick me up,' I skim the family group chat, 'not.' Looks like I won't be riding Luke's limo due to Dad holding an urgent business meeting. Apple sent me some one-sided texts (without emojis), ranging from "XYZ has other friends besides you" to "ok, so you're telling me you are betraying our friendship" to "ok well done" to "No more talking" before a final "bye". Oh my god, her angle is so different from mine. I slip my phone away (not without muting her contact for a 1 week).

'Want me to walk you home? Race you to the tuck shop.' Nick steps extremely close, 'Last one is a rotten egg!' 'I don't need a bodyguard to drop me off,' I hold still, aware of the non existing distance between us, 'but hey, challenge accepted.' Sweet! My heart rate increases so drastically it's a wonder I don't have a heart attack.

He tilts his head slightly, aiming for my mouth. I hold my breath and clamp my lips shut without considering. Eager to savour my first kiss. He slowly, slowly, slowly leans forward.

Wait for it, wait for iiiiiiiitttt...

He backs off before our lips touch.

'Did I say something wrong?' I ask, 'was that too-'

'Romantic.' Brown eyes twinkling, he runs down the corridor, 'You want friendshippy, no?'

'I was anticipating it!' I shriek, face pink. 'You playboy!'

'Mwah!' He cheekily blows me a kiss from a distance. 'We'll hit first base if you catch up!'

'Ready or not, here I come!' I lift my dress with an arm, zooming after him. 


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