Cesar salad and marker find a wild y/n!?😨

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(i legit don't know what im about to make)

*mark and Cesar bust a random door down scaring Adam and Jonah*

Mark: look what we found!!!

*cesar shows everyone the y/n him and mark found*

Jonah: bro where did you find them???

Mark: we found them in a box on the streets there a y/n and they were free

Adam: who would put a human being on the streets in a box?

Cesar: idk but i think there hungry poor thi-

*y/n bites Cesar hand*

Cesar: OW!!!

Jonah: hey no!, Cesar may be a salad but he isn't food take this pizza

Adam: you guys are treating them like a animal

Mark: no im not i didn't even do anything but find them

y/n: ew why is the pizza burnt

Jonah: i made it myself😢

y/n: idc it tastes nasty

*jonah starts sobbing*

y/n: stupid salad put me down now

Cesar: why so mean :(

*y/n then jumps down and left the room*

Adam: see, they can do things by thereself

*y/n turns around and peeks from the door*

y/n: i forgot to say. you need to learn how to cook

*y/n points at jonah STILL sobbing*

Jonah: but i thought.....it tasted good *starts crying even more*

*y/n then left the room*

Mark: welp guess im just a ghost

Adam and Cesar: oh- sorry mark didn't know you were there

Mark: mhm

(Ufjsjdhsk  might make a part two or then i might not idk)

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