Untitled Part 2

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Many a soldier, on either side, found himself pondering the thought that he would rather not face any of the three standing there in battle, despite their youth.

For a moment, all was quiet, almost breathless.

Then, Jaryd spoke, his eyes moving from lord to chief.

"My Lord Malvix, Chief Vroth, I give you greetings from the Manor and, in place of my father Garyn, Lord of the Manor, I am come to speak and counsel. Word of this conflict came to us, brought by one trusted by you both, and we were requested. Now, here we stand, ready to serve in such ways and means as we may to avoid bloodshed between two who once counted one another as friend."

"We thank the Manor for their presence, and we are honoured you have come."

Ashel Verd spoke smoothly, his smile courteous, as he stood by his lord's side. He appeared in all ways calm, but there was one who saw the hesitancy in his face, and the dark worry in the counselor's eyes.

Galen leaned forward and spoke softly to his eldest brother.

"He lies, Jaryd, even without Chazon I would see it in his face. Our presence here disturbs him and," his blonde head turning, his one eye gleaming, Galen paused a moment to gaze at the Derga counselor Brith for a moment. "It appears the other counselor is of similar mind and emotion. They do not like that we are here."

Jaryd nodded, "Thank you, Brother. Be ready with your blades; the Sword of Truth may be needed here shortly."

Galen nodded, then moved to stand back once again.

Turning to face the men he had come to guide and help, the Heir regarded them all with an assurance that compelled the gathered hosts to listen to him closely.

My Lord Malvix, Chief Vroth, I ask you to set aside feelings and desires of war and come to speak as equals and friends. Come and let us reason together as men and followers of the Maker who are guided by his will and love."

As he spoke, he gestured to a nearby hillock on which a pavilion with table and chairs had been arranged. Standing near to this arrangement, dressed in the livery of his father, stood Lord Malvix's eldest, Merric, with a face of determination and eyes full of worry and concern.

"How did my son come to be here? I left him at our estate." Malvix was clearly confused by his heir being present at a space so far from where his home was.

"Your son was concerned for you, and what you were doing. He found a means to reach my father and implored us to come and intervene before you and Vroth did irreparable harm to on another." Jaryd explained, gesturing for them to proceed to the table.

"If you can find a solution to this and avoid war, I am all for it." Vroth came and moved to the table with determination, clearly eager to avoid war. Brith followed obediently, but his face was pale and his eyes flicked about nervously as he went.

Malvix was quick to follow, Ashel on his heels.

At the table, Merric bowed to his father, then to Vroth.

"Father, Uncle Vroth, for so I have called you before and will continue to do so. I beg you two to sit and talk as you once did. There is a darkness here, an evil that has manipulated you both and I would see it vanquished and gone."

The young man spoke firmly, seriously as he regarded his father, and a being who he had regarded as a dear friend for years.

"Your son speaks wisdom, Lord Malvix. Come, let us sit."

Jaryd put action to words and took a seat at the center of the table, gesturing for the two leaders to sit at either end of the table as their counselors stood behind and slightly to the side of their respective lords.

Manorborn: The Battles BetweenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang