Trip and Fall

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"-and you'll be staying in here."

Watari led (Y/N) to a room. This room was held within a large mansion that Ryuzaki had insisted they all live in for the investigation. That way, none of them would have to leave and risk leaking information.

The place was enormous, summing up to over ten separate bedrooms with attached bathrooms, a main foyer, a large glowing dining room, and a dungeon-like basement. In all honesty, (Y/N) was a little scared to look at what was in the basement, so she didn't even touch the door that led there. Instead, she just let Watari lead her to where Ryuzaki wanted her to be. In the room in which Watari left her, it was bigger than her old room at the Yagami's home.

It had a desk with a lamp, bookshelves with dozens of books of varying genres, and a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room. One strange thing, however, the bed had no blankets or pillows. All it had was a fitted sheet that rested without a single wrinkle in the thin silky fabric. It looked so smooth that she didn't even want to touch it and possibly ruin it. On the desk that was beside the bed, there was a small plate with a note next to it.

After she looked at all the books, she finally made her way to the note. Curious, she picked up the folded paper and looked at the tiny dish that sat beside it. There was a plump and ripe strawberry, shiny with the sweet juice inside. She popped the strawberry into her mouth and unfolded the note to read its contents:


If you are reading this, that means that you've agreed to live in this room to work on the Kira investigation alongside me. That means that you've given up a lot for the job you were hired for, and you have my respect. Don't tell anybody about this place or that this is my living space. I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it secret.


She couldn't help but crack a small grin at the note. It made her want to laugh slightly. Cute.

She refolded the note and put it on the bookshelf, not having the heart to just throw it out. Even if he was expecting her to throw it away, she didn't want to. She just didn't want to is all. She put it up and headed to the large and refined bathroom, it probably being the size of a large storage container. She brushed her teeth and changed from her hoodie and baggy jeans to a large dark sweater and pajama shorts. As she went to lay down, she remembered two things; her projector that she had left in her school bag and the fact that this bed had zero blankets whatsoever.

With a pillow she stole from her dorm room, all she needed was a blanket. First, she placed her projector on her end-table and turned it on, letting the green images float around her high ceiling. Second, she slipped on some fuzzy socks and snuck out of the room and into the lit hallway where all the doors the led to the other rooms were located. She tried her best to be quiet, given that it was pretty late and everyone else should've been asleep.

She held her breath as she snuck down the hall. She didn't dare even make a peep until she made it to the large staircase. When she did make it to the stairs, the childish urge to run down each one as fast as she could was strong, and she fed into that urge.

Grabbing the banister, she zoomed down the large staircase. It was almost exhilarating...until she slipped on the last few steps.

On the third to last step, her toes slipped in the socks and caused her to fall into her butt and bounce down the last few stairs painfully. She finally landed on the main floor, feeling really cold against her exposed thighs underneath her shorts. With the hard landing, her legs instantly felt a little sore. Ouch.

It was embarrassing, slipping on the stairs. She hardly ever slipped, but at least she was alone and no one saw her.

"What was that thumping?"

Her eyes instantly widened as she scrambled to get off the floor. The monotone voice was nearby, way closer than she expected if someone were around. Just as she got herself standing up, Ryuzaki walked into the room with his hands in his pockets. "Oh, (Y/N). It's just you." He muttered to reassure himself. 'What are you doing?' He signed as he approached her. She started shaking her head, clearly embarrassed that he had heard her fall.

'I forgot my blanket at my dorm, and my room doesn't seem to have one. Do you have one I could borrow?' She asked silently. His eyes bugged out briefly in realization, and lightly smacked his forehead. "Damn it."

'I apologize. Your room is what used to be my room and since I never used the bed I never bothered to put blankets on it. I'm sorry.' He apologized to her, seemingly sincere. At least, he was trying to appear sincere for her to learn to trust him. Just appear guilty. If you're kind to her, show respect for her, and make her see that you pay attention to her needs, she'll trust you. You need her to trust you in order to solve this case.

'There should be a blanket in the laundry room. Follow me.' She nodded unsurely and started to walk behind him as he walked past her in the direction of the laundry room. As he led her through the lavish building he called a home, she glanced with slight nervousness when they walked past the door to the basement. She wondered what was down there, while at the same time not wanting to know.

So I not only get the room of not only someone who doesn't sleep, but the person who's technically my boss. Just great. How could I get any luckier? She thought sourly to herself. "Here we are." He muttered quietly as he stopped in front of possibly the only door in this entire building that didn't have a lock on it. He opened it and shifted off to the side so she could walk in first. Stiffly, she shuffled her feet into the room. Inside were multiple sets of washers and dryers, with colorful bottles of varying cleaners on shelves above. In the back, there was a lot of different hampers that were mostly empty except for a few.

'There should be a blanket in that one down there.' He pointed to a hamper in the corner, one of the few that visibly had stuff in it. She nodded briefly while avoiding eye-contact while stepping closer to the basket, being careful about trying not to slip on the tile floor in her fuzzy socks. He decided to wait for her to get what she needed, assuming that she could easily get lost in this place since she has only been here a day.

She started towards the hamper he pointed to, and started rifling through the varying colors and textures of different fabrics. Underneath a spare fitted sheet, she pulled out a thick and soft gray blanket in the shape of a giant square. With how large and hefty it was, it could easily cover her entire mattress and then some. Plus; it was incredibly soft.

Satisfied with what she found, she folded it messily and tossed it over her arm and turned back to Ryuzaki, who was leaning against the doorway stiffly and waiting patiently for her. She gave him a small nod, issuing that she found what she needed, and he stood up straight from the frame in preparation to walk again. But (Y/N)'s socks accidentally slipped on the cold tile of the floor and she started falling again.

The blanket fell from her arm as the ground below started getting closer. Damn it! Why am I falling so much?! Of course I fall now, when he's right in front of-

Suddenly, a warm hand grasped the crook of her back and shoulder blade. Her hands automatically reached out to grab what caught her so she wouldn't proceed to keep falling. Ryuzaki grabbed her before she could hit the floor, and it almost caught him off-guard when she grabbed onto the nape of his neck for support. He instinctively wanted to pull away but he couldn't just drop her after he just caught her.

With her eyes shut instinctively from excepting a fall, she opened them when she felt no impact, only to see the dark voids of eyes she was too familiar with. He stood her up onto her feet with haste, trying to avoid any awkwardness that wasn't already present. (Y/N) froze in place, clutching onto the blanket like it was life support and her eyes glazed with confusion.

What just happened?

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