Strawberry Shortcake

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The day blew past really fast after that. Before she knew it, the day was over and for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to feel any remorse. She honestly couldn't remember the last time she felt remorse for anything. At the end of the day, she waited patiently for Light to arrive so they could walk together. To her surprise, she hadn't seen him all day. Even during in between classes and lunch, he was nowhere to be seen. This was unusual for him, given how attached he was to her, and she knew this. It was suspicious.

Keeping her guard up, she stood by the entrance for the building his last class was located in. While she was here, people were going in and out and she could make out things they were saying as they passed her.

"I bet ya she killed them."

"Ruthless. The witch killed her accusers."

"I never knew she could be a cold-blooded murderer."

"What puny bitch kills people? She deserves all the hate anyway."

Even if her face didn't express it, it kinda hurt having people think that she was responsible for the deaths. She had nothing to do with it...or thats what she wanted to think.

With how specific the victims were, it was almost inevitable that they were tied to her in some way. She didn't want to think about the very real possibility that these people didn't just die of heart attacks, but were killed in cold blood. People were already suspecting that these were murders and not coincidences. To be expected, given that most of these people had to be geniuses in order to even set foot on campus. She's already dealt with so much in the past that she didn't want to deal with another problem tied to her involving death. She was tired of it. She wanted a break.

She leaned against the wall. clutching the strap of her school bag so tight that her knuckles turned white. Ryuga was walking past the building she was posted at and saw her in the corner of his eye. His eyes darting around briefly, he stepped past her with his hands in his pockets and his posture back to its horrible state. She saw him walk by, and her eyes went up to look at him. Despite him always leaning slightly forward, he was still taller than her.

In this moment, his eyes met hers. He felt this odd warmth in his chest and she felt this weird sensation in the pit of her stomach. A fluttery feeling, if you will. The feeling confused him. She watched him walk away in a slight rush, staring at the mess he called hair blow perfectly in the faint breeze. Not a single hair looked like it was in the wrong place, while also looking like a shaggy disaster. Staring at his hair as his silhouette shrunk out of her view, warmth crept up to her cheeks suddenly. It took her by horrified surprise and she lightly smacked her cheeks, making the warmth go away.

Light finally made it outside to her and she let out a small sigh of relief. 'Are you ready?' He asked her silently. She nodded and they started walking towards the dorms together. When she looked at him, there was His facial expression looked unfazed and his chocolate eyes had a newfound reddish tint to them. It could've been the way the sunlight shined in that direction or maybe a figment of her imagination. An evilish red, almost.

Roughly a week had passed since the incident with those bullies dying, and (Y/N) has done absolutely nothing to try and figure out what truly happened. She didn't want to figure it out. People were just as, if not more, brutal towards her both verbally and physically. And as usual, she did nothing to stop them.

For lunch today, like all Fridays, they served cake on the menu. Not just cake, however. They served almost every cake imaginable, making sure to truly satisfy everyones possible needs. (Y/N) was lucky today and was the first one in the cafeteria which means: The best cake is here.

The freshly baked and best cut cakes haven't been stolen yet, and she took advantage of this. She strolled over to the long counter where all the cake flavors were lined up in nice rows. She was uninterested in all flavors except for one: strawberry shortcake. Her favorite flavor. She leaned forward, squinting her eyes and looking very closely at the cakes. When she had the opportunity to pick the best piece, she was gonna make sure it was the best slice.

She looked really closely, studying the textures of the cake and frosting, down to the fruit that rested on top of the vanilla frosting. She heard someone open the cafeteria doors behind her but she paid no mind. She wasn't going to let anyone interrupt finding the right piece.

Then she found it. The perfect piece.

The cakes texture was perfect, not to hard and not too soft, the frosting whipped the exact amount to get the perfect airy texture, and the strawberry placed perfectly in the middle. Her hand raised and she started reaching for the small plate. And apparently someone else had their sights on the exact same slice. Along with her hand, another hand, a much paler one, also grabbed the plate. The nerve. Hey. This is mine.

She looked up to her right to see who thought they could take this cake from her, and it was none other than that student from mathematics. Ryuga. Her eyebrows creased slightly as she lifted the plate off the counter, him following suit while not breaking eye-contact with her. There was competitive energy coming off of her and it was rubbing off on him. His fingers were overlapping hers while having his own hold on the small circular plate. In her (e/c) eyes, he sensed an annoyed aura. It made him wonder why she was so set on this particular piece of cake. Didn't he technically grab it first?

(Y/N). It would be nice if you gave me some type of hint as to what you're thinking. You're different from everyone else here. Your expressions are always so inhumanly blank, no matter what the situation is. Right now, I sense you're annoyed, but your face doesn't tell me that. It doesn't tell me anything.

While her eyes looked at him with slight frustration, his eyes looked at her with confused curiosity. He took this time to try and read her body language, maybe. Or try and catch something from her facial expressions. The only reason he's still hanging onto the cake is so he could try to get a reaction out of her. If he could, then maybe he could get another clue for his case. She didn't know this, but she was a vital part of this investigation.

As his number 2 suspect.

Her fingers tightened on the plate and she pulled it up to her chest, making his arms raise slightly with it as he didn't let go of it. His expression piqued with interest when her facial features finally shifted into something different. Her eyes squinted slightly, and her lips scrunched. Finally. Show me something. Tell me something.

He couldn't explain to himself why he needed to know what she was thinking and feeling so badly. It was just for the case. That's it.

She started taking a steps backwards towards the wall, trying to ease his grip on the plate so she could take it. He simply just walked forward with her. Maybe returning her obvious competition over the cake would get her to say something. Anything.

She backed up enough to the point where her back was against the wall. Her stopping made him stop, and each of their hands holding the small plate in between the two of them. Their eyes wouldn't break away. The longer she held onto the plate and looked at him, the more the room felt hotter for her. She shook her head very briefly and gave a final attempt at pulling the plate towards her chest. He wouldn't let go no matter how much she wanted him to. Butterflies slowly started creeping around in his stomach.

One of the lunch monitors saw the two silently bickering students and tilted her head slightly. Glancing around, catching what was happening between them, she smiled with an idea and grabbed an extra empty plate beside her on the counter. She also grabbed a cake knife and walked around the counter towards the two. She stepped up beside them, and both their heads turned to the monitor. "Here, how about this?"

She carefully held the bottom of the plate when neither of them would let it go, and she cut it into two perfectly even pieces. She took one of the pieces, put it on her plate, and handed it to (Y/N), leaving Ryuga with the other half. "There." The woman smiled at the two students and walked away in satisfaction and relief.

When (Y/N) looked away from the monitor, Ryuga had already left to a table by himself. He sat down in his usual strange position and started slowly nibbling on his cake. She was left standing still, dumbfounded and confused. She just stared at her cake in front of her. Only half of what she wanted, but it was fair. He wanted some too, so the best solution was to split it evenly. Different thoughts swirled around her head and collided into each other forcefully, not a single clear thought. Her eyes slowly went back up to him from across the room. He looked indifferent, peacefully eating like nothing happened.

Which...nothing did happen, anyways.

As she was standing in her stunned position, other students started filing into the room, excited for the cake options. She rushed over to the nearest empty table and sat down, no longer able to see him from where she was.

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