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(Y/N)'s head tilted in confusion.

'Actually, may I speak to you?' What could he mean by that? We don't even really know each other. It's probably class related.

She slowly nodded her head 'yes' with slight skepticism as Ryuga motioned for her to sit down across from him in one of the two armchairs in the middle of the room with a table in the middle. Her stiff movements moved her across the room and she sat down smoothly with her back completely straight and her hands resting on her thighs. He crouched onto the chair in front of her with his knees almost touching his chin.

His hands moved in front of him, starting his conversation.

'Have you heard the name "Kira" anytime recently?'

'I have, yes.'

'What all do you know about the subject?'

Her eyelids creased slightly. 'I'm not really educated about it. I only heard about it not too long ago.'

'But, can you at least tell me what you have learned?'

Why do you want to know so badly? She sighed.

'All I have captured from the limited information the Internet has provided, was that Kira was a person who thinks killing criminals is a "heroic act" and thinks he's helping the world by doing so, therefore giving them a godlike view of themselves.' She explained with her hands. His eyes widened ever so slightly.

'I also know that the "greatest detective in the world" is working on figuring out the identity of Kira. If I remember correctly, his alias was the single letter "L."'

Amazing. Figured all of that out so quickly. Isn't surprising, given the reputations of the students here.

'And how did you get to that conclusion?' He asked, pointing out how specific she was before she unknowingly mentioned his own name. Her eyes went up and her head tilted with them, looking up at the detailed ceiling.

'Maybe it was just me, but with how Kira's patterns with death would randomly change, it was almost like he was competing against L. Almost like a game, and he's childish and doesn't want to lose for anything.' She explained, with skepticism edging her words. Like she didn't believe herself and her mind was going in the absolute wrong direction, when it wasn't. Like what she was saying was completely wrong and she was making unnecessary assumptions and theories.

'That's exactly what I was thinking.' He told her. Her eyes glinted with surprise. 'Really?'

'Yes. As I've been working on the case, my assumptions have been quite similar to yours.'

'"Since you've been working on the case"?'

He nodded. 'But how? Are you a police officer? Are you a lower grade detective?' She stared him down, the guy who seemed no different than everyone else at school. Him, working on the Kira case? It seemed unbelievable.

'No. It's because...' Her eyes stayed glued to his hands with her eyebrows creased slightly.

'I am L.'

Her heart seemed to have frozen for a spilt second. The man named Ryuga, who went to class with her, who she had to share food with, was L. The person she vaguely remembered idolizing when she was younger. While shocked at this newfound information, she was also skeptical. Anyone could simply say they're the most famous detective in the world for the attention, but this guy seemed to not have a care to give about anyone around him. He doesn't seem like the type to seek out attention and validation from others. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she's seen him speak a word to anyone else, outside of him...defending her against one of the bullies in the past.

She looked him dead in the eyes as her hands shifted against each other in front of her. 'And how do I know if thats the truth? For all I know, you could just be some random person simply stating that they're L. You can tell me all day that you are, but you'd have to find a way to physically prove it to me.'

Are you always this skeptical? Or is this just an act, covering up any feelings of worry or panic over seeing the person who's after you? If it is an act, to the average person, it's very convincing. Acting dumbfounded over me revealing my identity to you will help prove that you're not Kira. If it wasn't me here, they'd probably fall for this. Light had a similar reaction, except he didn't physically ask for confirmation. He just requested we discussed the case over coffee.

'I can't in this moment, but I can request that you come and join the case. I have a task force of police officers who are willing to put their lives on the line to capture Kira. The reason I trusted you with my identity is because your smarts could be very beneficial to the case.' He intentionally left out the fact that her very own father and brother have already agreed to work with him. Her eyes went down to her lap, processing everything.

If he's asking some random girl like me to work with him, then that could only mean one thing. He suspects me. He has to be. If he didn't, then he'd probably continue to ignore me like he does every day. I prefer if he does.

If I say yes, then he'll take it as an opportunity to keep an eye on me, keep me close, and eventually either realize that I'm not this childish killer, or he'll arrest me under false suspicion. And if I say no, he'll probably either insist I join, or find a way to monitor me from afar. He technically can't force me to do anything, and he knows that. Either way, he's going to try and narrow down whatever suspects he has, whether the final result be me or someone else, I'm still in his crosshairs no matter what I say.

After thinking about it, him patiently waiting for her answer, she looked back to him. She shook her head no.

'I apologize, but I cannot assist you on the case. As much as I would like to help, I can't fall behind on my schoolwork. I hope you can understand that.' She told him silently, calmly turning him down. 'I don't want my grades to drop, even if I would only be working part-time.'

With that, she stood up from her seat, ending the conversation with that. From sitting so still for a while, her legs felt a little numb as she walked over to the elevator, accidentally leaving her coffee on the table where L still sat.

She pressed the button to open the elevator doors so she could leave. As she waited, he stood up and grabbed her abandoned cup. He stepped up behind her and tugged on her jacket sleeve. She turned around, and looked down with slight surprise as he handed her back her coffee. She grasped the coldened cup and looked at his hands.

'In case you change your mind, the spot is always available to you. You can choose whenever you want if you want to come assist me on the case.'

The elevator dinged behind her, signaling it was open and ready for use, but she couldn't make herself turn around and leave. It was like her feet were cemented to the floor and his gaze was an iron cage that wouldn't let her go. She couldn't pull her eyes away from him, feeling heat rise into her cheeks and assuming it was from steam from the cold coffee in her hands. After finally blinking and breaking free from his stare, she nodded with a short bow and turned into the elevator, giving him one final look before pressing the button and blocking their eyes from each other.

He was left in silence, slightly confused. His hands buried themselves in his jean pockets.

I'll continue to monitor her from my dorm. She'll reconsider eventually. I know she will. If Light was willing to do it, then there's a high chance she will as well.

Even with this assumption, he still wasn't entirely sure. Truth be told, he couldn't tell if she would actually reconsider like her sibling or not. He couldn't tell how she thinks or what she feels. When he told Light his identity, he could see the fake calmness in his eyes. With (Y/N), however, her face looked like it was sculpted out of marble and never changed. Not even her eyes displayed any possible emotion. Her eyebrows barely moved when they did and her body language didn't tell him anything at all.

It was almost like she was a robot of some sorts. A cyborg, programmed without emotion. It was so unnatural compared to everyone else he saw. With everyone in school, while her silence kept her hidden in the shadows, it also made her stick out like a sore thumb to him.

Suspect and the Detective [L Lawliet x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now