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As the young Light ran around the colorful playground with the other 1st graders, he stopped when he heard laughing. Curious, he wandered towards the laughter. Underneath the twisty tube slide was two boys who were bigger than the small girl they were towering over.

"You're so puny! You don't even fight back!" One of the boys shouted in the cowering girls face. She was on her butt in the mulch staring up at the boys with zero fear. An unnaturally blank expression for her situation. "Yeah! Not surprising, though. She is a girl." The other responded, both of them chuckling shortly at the comment. Then the first boy leaned down and grabbed the collar of her big black hoodie, lifting her frail figure off the ground. Her feet dangled in the air as she didn't struggle and feed into the frustration welling up inside her.

"Hey! Put her down! That's no way to treat a girl!" Light yelled in anger. The two boys both turned in unison to Light, dropping the girl with a muffled thud back onto the mulch. All the confidence Light had withered away when the two larger masses approached him. "Well well well. We've got an intruder." The first boy sneered as he got really close to Light's face. Sweat beaded down his forehead as he kept his small back straightened in defense. "Heh." The second boy came up and shoved Light into the ground. He landed roughly with a groan of pain. The two started getting close as he attempted to crawl backwards and away from them.

The first boy grabbed his collar and partially lifted him up off the ground, slightly choking the brunette. His fist raised up to his face as he was about to punch Light but he was stopped by the bell ringing, signaling that recess was over. They both scoffed as they dropped Light back to the ground again aggressively. The first boy rushed off to join his class and make it look like he wasn't doing anything, and the second boy simply stuck hit tongue out at Light from above as he ran off to join his buddy.

When they were out of sight, Light looked back underneath the slide to see the small girl still sitting still under there with her face hidden underneath her long straight hair and raised knees. He scrambled up off the ground and rushed up to her. "Are you okay??"

On his knees, he moved her hair and looked at her face. His eyes widened. It was the same girl he saw across the street every day, playing with the grass. She went to the same school as him?

He shook his head and stood up, pulling her up off the ground. He dusted the dirt off of her clothes and studied her face. She had a small bruise on her forehead underneath her thick bangs. In a delayed answer, she nodded her head while saying 'I'm fine' in sign language while avoiding eye-contact. He didn't understand what she was saying. "What?"

She finally looked up at him, meeting his concerned gaze and did the sign language again. He chuckled nervously. "I don't know what you're saying...I'm sorry..." He looked at her bruise again, then got an idea. "Actually," He carefully grasped her hand. "I have an idea. Can you follow me, please?" He asked gently. Her big eyes got a little bit bigger, but she felt like she could trust this boy. She nodded, which gave him the chance to do whatever it was he wanted to do. He led her out from underneath the slide and into the piercing sunlight, causing her to throw her hand over her arm to protect her vision as he walked her towards his teacher.

"Mrs. Ochako?" Light asked when he approached her. She heard him and turned away from her line of students temporarily. "Yes, Light? What do you need?" Her eyes briefly grazed over (Y/N) beside him. "Can you help her? She won't talk and she got hurt by some bullies." He asked quickly, gently pulling (Y/N) forward to Ochako. Her eyebrows raised at the girl as she took her hand away from Light's. He immediately felt nervous when her hand left his.

"Thank you, Light. I'll make sure she's taken care of. Did you see who hurt her?" She asked the boy. He thought for a brief second then started looking at all the students. He found the two boys and pointed at them accusingly. "Them over there."

Suspect and the Detective [L Lawliet x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now