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The camera was completely still with intimidation. (Y/N)'s squinted eyes stayed on the dot.

Who would put a camera in my room, and why? People here don't like me like expected, but who would go far enough to stalk me? People always seem to want to get AWAY from me, not watch me. If there is a camera here, then are there more? Are there possibly wiretaps too? I have no way of knowing unless I search my entire dorm, and I don't want the person watching me to realize that I know somethings up. Might already be too late for that, but might as well stay back and hope I find them gradually until I figure out who left them here.

She leaned back and straightened her back with her eyes closed. A small sigh escaped her lips and she slowly stood up from the squishy sofa cushions. Her thin fingers carefully lifted the small dot from the table and she put it back in its place on the wall. If she kept it there, if it were to move, then she'd know for sure that someone is behind it. It had to have been someone she knew.

But I don't know really anybody here...other than Light and-

Someone knocked gently on her door, causing her to lose her train of thought. Her head raised and she shoved her hands in her hoodie's pockets. She approached the door and creaked it open, her big eyes peering through the small crack. It was only Light, and he was here to meet her for lunch. He figured that he'd attempt to physically prove to Ryuzaki that she was safe while knowing that she was already. He technically had no way of knowing she wasn't Kira, so he needs to show that he does know.

'Are you ready to go?' He signed.

She nodded, remembering their lunch meeting. 'Yes. Let's go.'

Slightly uneasy, she slipped out of the small crack in the door and closed it swiftly behind her. With a small sigh, he started to lead her down the hall of dorm rooms and towards the elevator.

In the small restaurant, the waiter sat them down in a booth close to the back corner, secluded from everyone else. (Y/N) brushed her hand over the cushion of her seat before sitting down stiffly. She wasn't too fond of leaving her living space that often. A different waiter arrived at their table a few moments later, glancing at the insanely still (Y/N) before turning to Light first. "What would you like to drink?" He asked the brunette. "Um...I'll have coffee and...(Y/N), what do you want?" He turned to her. The waiter turned to her. 'Just water, please.' She signed.

"And a water please," His eyes looked down at his name tag. "Klaus." Klaus wrote down the drinks and nodded. "Alright. Your drinks will be here shortly." He informed them before walking away. As he walked away, the entrance to the restaurant opened and closed, someone new walking inside with the desire for food. Light gave the new customer a glance before resting his elbows on the table and facing the still (Y/N).

Great. He's here now. Just can't seem to take my word for it, can you? I hope this will prove to you that she isn't Kira.

One of the waiters seated the person Light was previously eyeing close to where he was sitting with (Y/N). The dark voids of eyes he despised gave (Y/N) a short look before looking down at his hands that rested on his knees, slipping his shoes off and dropping them under the table.

'So, (Y/N).' He signed to her. Her head tilted ever so slightly.


'Out of curiosity, if you were to be approached to work on a detective case, would you accept it?'

She thought for a moment, remembering the offer Ryuga had given her. 'It depends on case.'

'What if it was the Kira case? Then would you accept it?'

He anticipated her answer. His eyes squinted slightly in confusion when she shook her head no. 'I don't think so.'

'Well, why not?'

Suspect and the Detective [L Lawliet x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now