First Day

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The next morning, I wasn't really asleep, I was half awake, how when I slept in the emperor's coven. I was basically like that all night. I just couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I rolled around in my bed. I yawned as Eda opened the door. "Luz! Hunter! Wake up! You're gonna be late!" Luz Got up basically as soon as Eda opened that door. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I yawned again. I haven't gotten sleep in weeks. So I was pretty tired. I rubbed my eyes as I stood up. I stretched as I looked at Luz grabbed her outfit. I grabbed my outfit and left the room to wait for Luz to finish changing.

~ a few minutes later ~

Luz left our room and walked downstairs. I entered our room and changed. I picked up my staff as FlapJack sat on it. I usually don't put him on it, but today I was going to high-school. I left the room and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen. "Goodmorning sleepyhead!" Eda sarcasticly said. I rolled my eyes and opened the fridge. I grabbed a apple and took a bite out of it as I closed the fridge. "I made breakfast?" Eda said looking at me. I ignored her and left the kitchen.

I sit on the couch and put my boots on. I finish my apple and throw my apple core at Hooty. I wait for Luz to finish so we could walk to school together. I heard a knock at the door so I got up and answered it. "Hey Eda has- wait. You're not Eda.." Said a familiar voice. I looked down at her. It was Amity. "Oh. You. Luz is eating breakfast." I say letting her in. She walks inside, "who are you? Wait, Hunter?!" She shouts. I groan and sit on the couch. "Yeah. So shocking." I respond. She sits next to me. Luz enters the room. "Amity! You here! Oh, Hunter, you haven't left yet?" Luz asks me. "No I was actually waiting for you, but I guess I'll leave." I answer. Amity looks at me, "Edric and Emira were telling me about you.. specifically Edric. But they're outside if you want to go talk to them." Amity tells me. I shrug as I put on a light jacket and walk outside.

I see Edric and Emira talking. Then Emira sees me. "Ooh! Edric! It's your boyfrieennddd!!" Emira teases Edric. Edrics face turns a light pink. "Emira! He's not my boyfriend!" Edric tells Emira. I laugh quietly as I walk toward them. "Well- goodmorning would be nice," I say jokingly. "Goodmorning" Edric says jokingly back. "So, I heard that you're going to Hexside high!" Emira says. I shrug "Yeah" I reply. "How many spells can you do? That determines what classes your in" Edric explains. "Well, I was the golden guard, so I know a few." I say. "But I'm powerless.." I whisper. "What was that" Emira asks. "Oh! Nothing" I say.

~ after a few minutes of talking, they head to Hexside High ~

"How old are you?" Edric asked me. "16" I replied. "Are you excited?" He asked again. "Yeah," I replied again. "Oh, you shouldn't be." Emira interrupts. I look at her then look at the path. "Don't listen to her!" Edric said hitting Emira on the leg with the back of his hand. "Ow! Edric!" Emira screeched. I laughed quietly.

After a few more minutes we got there. I didn't know if I should have been excited or scared. But anyways, we parted ways. I walked to the principals office with Edric because his first class was that way. Once we got there we said bye and all that. I knocked on the door. "Come in!" A unfamiliar voice said. I opened the door and walked in. "Good morning Hunter." The principle said. "G-goodmorning" I replied. My hands started shaking. He reminded me of Belos. My uncle. I was.. scared. "As you can see, you can choose a track. But, before we do that, you need to show me at least two spells you can do." He explained. "O-okay. I ca- I can do that." I responded quickly. "Yes. I know you can because I will make you." He said. I was kind of shocked at what he said. I tried not to laugh though.

We make it to the auditorium. I'm still trying to think of what spells to do. Principle Bump sat in a seat in the front row infront of the stage. "You may go on stage." He says. I walk onto stage and grip my staff. "You may begin, Hunter." I take a deep breath and point my staff above Principle Bump. I close my eyes and fireworks shoot out of my staff above Principle Bump. "Wow! Very nice!" He exclaims as he writes something on his clipboard. I lower my staff, ready for my next one. "You may continue," Principle Bump tells me.
I grip my staff tighter as I make a circle around me with my staff. Then, I make a cage around me. I turn to face Principle Bump. "Very nice, but how will you get out?" He asks. I think then shrug. "I-i don't know. I didn't think about th-that.." I manage to get out. He nods then writes on his clipboard. "Alright, can you try to get yourself out?" He asks. I take my staff and sit on it, ready to fail. I fly out of the top of the cage. I land on the floor infront of the stage. "T-tadaa!" I say, breathing heavily. "Okay, you managed to get a C+, you would've gotten a A, but you didn't come prepared and couldn't get out." He explains. "We can head back to my office to discuss your track." I nod. He isn't Belos, he isn't Belos. You're fine Hunter.

~ They walk back to Principle Bumps office ~

Principle Bump sits in his seat. "So, as you can see, there are 9 tracks. You can choose as many as you'd like.. thanks to Luz." He explains. I look above him at the tracks. "Take your time"

~ Several Minutes later ~

I look back at Principle Bump. "I think I've made my decision." I say. He nods. "Continue." I take a breath and say "illusions and uh a-abominations." He nods and writes on his clipboard. He gets up and takes me to my first class. "You're first class is illusions. Please remain good, and stay safe." Explains Principle Bump. He opens the door as I walk in taking a deep breath. The teacher looks at me and smiles. "Students, please welcome our newest student, Hunter! Please stay respectful and nice to him." The teacher said. I looked at the back of the classroom, and I saw Edric. "You can sit next to Edric. He's the boy with green hair in the back." She whispered to me. I nod at her then walk to the back and sit next to Edric. He looks at me. "didn't know you chose illusions, goldie!" He whispers to me. I smile and half nod.

1197 words

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