The Owl House

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Today I moved into The Owl House. I can't believe I actually agreed to it. So, little background info, I left the emperor's coven. That means I'm not the golden guard anymore. I guess I do have a lot of trauma from the emperor's coven, but being the golden guard was pretty fun. I got to boss people around.. even though they never listened...

Anyways, I'm going to high-school tomorrow. My first day at a high-school. Luz said middle school is fun, so I'm not going with my gut and I'm going to say high-school is going to be fun.

"HUNTERR!! WE'RE GPING TO THE SHOPS!" Luz yelled to me from the bottom of the stairs. "OKAY?" I yell back. "YOU HAVE TO COME!!!" She shouts. "Ugh! IM COMING!" I yell. Ugh.. why can't I just stay here? After all I am 16. I leave my room and walk down the stairs. "Aren't you going to change out of your.. golden guard stuff?" Luz questioned me. "Oh. Yeah I'll be right back." I reply as a run back up the stairs.

~ A Few Minutes Go By ~

"HUNTEEERRRRR!!" Eda shouts, "WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" I groan as I throw a jacket on and leave my room. I walk down the stairs and to the front door where Eda, Luz and King welcome me. "Ugh." I groan, "let's just go." "Yeah yeah, come on," Eda replies in her sassy sort of tone.

We leave the owl house and walk to the shops. "Sooo, Hunter.. How are you liking it in the ow-" Luz starts as I interrupt her "I'm not enjoying it whatsoever." Luz looks at me then look at King. "Well- Is it better than the emperor's coven?" She asks. I look at her, just now noticing how taller I am than her, "yeah, I guess. Can you stop asking me so many questions?" "Oh, yeah" Luz manages to say, she starts to giggle.

~ when they get to the shops ~

Eda enters a shop and starts look at stuff, and picking stuff up. She picks some stuff up and then looks around. Then she puts it in her bag. I notice it and think of how that is basically stealing. I go to say something to her, then I remember I'm not the golden guard. I'm Hunter.

I walk to the other side of the store. I pick up some water and carry it around the store. I grab some bird feed things. I can't remember what they're called. Then I get a apple.

I walk to the front of the store. Where'd they all go? Eh oh well. I walk up to the check out line. A boy with green hair and a girl the same height, she also has green hair. The boy has a mole on his cheek. His eyes are a yellowish gold color. The girl looks the same as him, just with long hair. They're both taller than me. The boy turns around and looks at me. He notices that I was looking at him. CRAP! He saw me! He saw me! I immediately look away. He chuckles then looks back at the stuff be got. They both grab a bag then leave. As the boy was leaving, I heard the girl call him Ed.

I put my stuff on the counter and look at the lady behind the counter. She doesn't look up at me. "That'll be $12.38" she says. I pull some coins out of my pocket and hand them to her. She counts then she puts them in the box thing. "You can get your stuff," she says. I grab my stuff then walk outside waiting for Eda and them, because I can't lave without them.

~ 5 minutes later ~

They haven't come out the store yet, and I'm wondering if they left already. I was sitting on a bench. I look up to see the boy and girl infront of me. They're just.. staring at me. "What do you want?" I manage to blurt out. My heart was racing, I could feel it. And- my face was warm. The girl laughs then looks at the boy. "EMIRA! Stop!" So that's the girls name.. They back up and look at me. "I'm Emira! And this is my brother Edric!" Emira says. Edric looks at Emira. "I could've introduced myself!" He says. "Blah blah! You'd mess it up." She replies.

I listen to them argue for a few minutes. "Oh Hunterr! We're donee!" I hear Luz sing. I look over to the store and see Luz, Eda, and King. Emira and Edric look at them. "You're with them?!" Shouts Edric. I look at him as I stand up. "Yeah.." I mumble as I walk over to them. "Wow! That's pretty cool. We're Am-" Edric was saying. "We're Amitys older siblings! Luz is Amitys girlfriend if you didn't know!" Emira interrupted. "Yeah.. my coolest gf is sisters with the Blight Twins!" Luz exclaims. I roll my eyes.

"I'm headed back home," I say as I start walking back to the owl house. Edric starts after me. I look at him as he walks next to me. "Soo.. Are you new here? I heard your names Hunter" he questioned. I look back at the path. "Well.. sort-of." I answer, "don't tell anyone, but I was the golden guard, but now I've left the emperor's coven and now I'm living in the owl house. Tomorrow Is my first day at a school." After a short pause, I look at Edric. From what I can see- his face is red.

I look back at the path. Then, that's when it hit me. I told him I was in the emperor's coven.. I told him was the golden guard... damnit! I look the opposite way from him and groan. "I'm.. gonna head back to my house," He says. I look at him, "Okay," I respond. He leaves and after a few minutes I end up at the owl house. I go inside and up to my room. I drop my stuff on my make-shift bed. I open my jacket and let my palisman out. I open up the bird seed and let him have some. His name is FlapJack, we're pretty good friends.

After a few minutes a hear the front door open. Then I hear Luz and King talking. I open my water and take a few sips as I hear someone walking up the steps. Then she opens the door and walks in. I don't think I've told you yet- But me and Luz have to share a room. She looks at me as she sits on her bed. "It's getting pretty late," she says, trying to start a conversation. "Mhm," I mumble. I get up and grab my pajamas. "Uh, I'm going to change.. can you like.. leave?" I ask in a sassy tone. "Oh, yeah," Luz says getting up and leaving.
I change and lay down on my bed. Luz knocks on the door, "can I come in now?" Luz asks. "Yeah" I reply. She opens the door and walks in. I roll over and close my eyes trying to sleep.

- Authors note
I know this is rlly cringey, I usually don't make fanfics. But this was 1219 words.

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