Miscarriage II

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He wondered why his wife wasn't picking up his calls.

Since the day he had that emergency meeting, which turned out to be an infiltration in one of the stations, he couldn't get in contact with Yaya in any way.

It had been a week and he was starting to get worried.

"Maybe she went on a short trip somewhere," he tried to think positively.

Suddenly he received a call from Tok Aba. He immediately picked it up as it was rare for his grandpa to call him considering his fragile age now.

"Tok? What's wrong?" he questioned as he noticed a sad face on his grandpa, trying to predict the scene.

Tok Aba sighed, a long sigh before muttering a few words, "It's Yaya, Boboiboy,"

A concerned look grew on his face.

"What about Yaya?" he panicked.

His grandpa merely didn't say anything for a while which raised even more suspension to Boboiboy.

"Why, Boboiboy?" his grandpa spoke.

"Huh?" he responded with confusion.

"Didn't you know Yaya was in labour, my grandson?"

Boboiboy's eyes were wide opened as he shot back a shocking, sweaty look.

"She is??"

"She was, and..." he heard Tok Aba paused, as if he knew his grandpa was about to give horrifying news.

Horrifying news indeed it was.

"The baby... didn't make it,"

"And so did Yaya,"


Heavy rain poured down on his shoulders but he didn't mind it.

The clothes he wore were wet and soggy but he didn't mind it.

The tears that were blended in the rain ran down his face endlessly, though he didn't mind it.

He kneeled down on the tombstone that had his wife's name carved on it. He glanced beside him, a little grave that had been planted beside hers, indicating that it was his child's. It didn't have a name carved on the stone because their child couldn't make it.

Damn, couldn't make it.

That's what he gets for not making it in time to his wife.

It couldn't even be possible to describe the unlimited guilt and sorrow being washed down upon him as he stared blankly at the two graves.

He had failed.

He wouldn't lie, he had thought saving planets in the galaxy made him a fine hero, one that everyone would look up to.

But still, he had failed to protect the galaxy.

His own galaxy.

So much for being a hero, he thought.

He chuckled, covering his eyes in the process, recalling the idiotic times he wouldn't listen to his wife's chatter, asking about her well being and simply being there for her.

"What an idiot" he whispered to himself.

He took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

"I'm sorry, both of you." he cried.

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