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Sanas pov

Yesterday was a beautiful day that I realise my mistakes and about my selfishness . But today I was happy and it will a good day to as I think but I had a fear to face his family who loved me like my own but I betrayed ,insulted and always spat venomous words and also cursed to by thinking about my past I feel like to die but now I cant because of my little munchkin. For whom I had give cruses to die but now I will die if any thing happens to her or my husband. Because I love him truly but i never realise because spenting time with him i feel like a date with nightstand because after getting married also I had been physical relationship with many mens who had worked with me. But now I wont go to back to my past . When I was emerging in my thought it is disturbed by a phone call and when I see the caller I'd it pisssed me because it was my friend and claimed my boyfriend by media .

" what happened Rohan why are you calling me "?

" sana I want ask one thing say yes or no "?

His tone being serious and rough and little bit serious to . So now dealing with him will be little harsh so I looked around in my room to find any one near as sidhart goes to gym and my baby is sleeping so without disturbing her and also about our conversation so I go out to special balcony as in this balcony is non transparent and also sound proof . So none can see or listen to our talks so I locked the balcony door too.

" Ask "?

" Did you abort our child "?

Where he get to know about this as it was screcet only known by me and the doctor which I consult. But she wont reveal as she didn't see my face or know my name so.

" woh abortion whose abortion I didn't do anything . So dont ask such cheap questions "

" oho cheap thab mere sath sothe waqt nahi laga ye cheap hai . Woh bhi many time we had slept together "

" ha we slept together many times but it was only a nightstand not beyond that "

" oho islye you had abort our child "?

" not our child okay it's just a mistake "

Silp of tounge happened and every thing happen

" oho so you accepted "

" yeah it was my mistake so to correct it I did abortion okay "

" And also you know I already have a family and I am married . So because of my unsuccessful married life I had use you for pleasure and you also know it very well then why are asking know "

" ha for you . You are using but for me it was out of love you know that I love you but you . Okay we had slept together by our own will and about baby you can share with me na then why ?"

" oho when I will say about abortion you will agree with me no na and it's about my and it's my decision " .

' okay your body your decision but you dont even make me to feel my baby . Why because I am that much qural . You also know I dont have any one to say family but you did it why sana "

" keep your bloody mouth shut if you had nobody its your mistak not my and also if I make you feel your babies presence you will not stand by my side because you are an emotional fool. So please dont contact me ever whatever relationship we shared had end . Now I am leading a happy life so please . If you try to inform any one then the virgin mans image you create infront of world will be destroyed because I will reveal the your stands video with other sluts and also I will destroy your business to you know me very well know . Last but not least try to build your own family you will get a better women than me and also many more children too . Signing off by shehanaz gill oops sorry shehanaz sidhart roy"

By that I cut the call and when I went inside that view makes my heart melts

My sidhi is playing and giggling with her dad. Oh my baby

" if I have time I will give you updates dear "


And waiting for your precious response

Bye dears

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