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Sana pov

When I saw that cute angelic face . My heart breaks because when I saw her and her cute giggles and her smile breaks my heart because when I leave her in that cradle I didn't even want see her face because my mom said if we see our baby their will be none other than that . And its happened to me also I feel guilty to leave her . Now I crave for her to call me mumma will it happen . I dont know because she dont even know who I am and will siddharth allow . I am in a pool of guiltiness , and in a barren situation to . I feel like I am selfish . I complete my professional and passion wish and its responsibilities to .what about my personal responsibility . I forgot in sake of selfishness.

After a while I heard unlocking of my door and when I saw it was my baby and siddharth .

" baby look who is here your mumma look " . But my baby refused to look at me and hid her face in siddharth and embrace him . I feel hurt but it's all happene because of me . Because I am responsible for this . In these 2 years my heart yearns to see my child but I am afraid of it . When ever I see a child my child dreamily face comes to me . Dreamily face because when I gave birth when doctor showed her face I swift my face to avoid it.

" sana dont be sad she will come to because for her you are new member that's why ".

" hmm ".

" we need to talk ".

" kaka kaka please give sidhi to papa " and he handed over the baby to kaka .

After a while our silence breaks.

" sana can we start a new begging and erase what all happened . "

I kept silent because I don't have any thing to say

" sana please "

" okay but will you forgive whatever I do to you and to your family . I know I made you like this ".

" sana stop ".

" No sid I want apologise you "
" sid sorry please "

It starts when we where in college

Actually I were a typical spoilt brat and a irresponsible one . But you were responsible. So because my irresponsible behaviour like I smoked and drunk on the college ground you had warned me but I take as a ego and it was a big insulting think to . So I plan to make apologise in my way . And in next day I got dare to date 2 men and make them fall in love with me and sleep with me too . So I did . I choose you and your cousin sadgik . And I date you two in one time and make you fall for me and I slept with you two also .for me it was just a dare but for you two it was a pure and loyal relationship . And for me my ego also important . But I dont know when I forgot my ego and fall for you . When I was going to break my relationship with sadgik as it was last we had ended up by sex that day you had found in hotel with out clothes but you just forgive me and when you come to know about my dare then also you didn't leave me but you love me more but your possessive ,protectiveness and obsessiveness become more and you become like this because of me only I know one time you said in your drunken state . That you are acting like psycho boyfriend because I should get feared of you then only I will stay with you and ".

" stay tuned guys ".

" I am in hectic situations that's why . "

" ❤❤❤❤❤"

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