At first, he had reckoned to order it online and he did. He had received his parcel two days before but it was very dull and what disappointed him was the corner of it was slightly torn apart even though he had paid a reasonable amount. He couldn't compromise something like that when he had to gift her.

This was not the only thing he was gifting. This was just a small one as a means of congratulating her for graduating.

The salesperson ran his eyes at him up and down and then, said. "Of course, we have already decided on hunting a hippo or two since we have so much time to spare." He put on a forced smile. "Taking your order wouldn't be much of a hurdle."

"Listen. I have to get it as soon as possible." He withdrew his arm from the counter hastily, looked around and stared back at the salesperson who now, had on an irritated look. "Please, accept it. It's not something that will take much time."

It was the last market left in the city. He had to convince him no matter what. There was no time left for the graduation ceremony.

"Sir-" the salesperson held up his palm in the air as the corner of his lips tugged with annoyance.

"Can you please ask the owner?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Owner, you said?"

"Yes, and notify him that-" he paused. Can he tell that to him? The salesperson's fierce gaze pressured him up and before he knew it, the words were already in the air. "- that Kabir Emaami's son wants a favour from him."

He saw the salesperson's expression changing at the name of his uncle and he realized that he had done a grave blunder. And then, he saw the salesperson slowly scratching his chin and shortly afterwards, retreating away from him.

He let a short, relieved sigh and shut his eyes.

The sight of Haadi, his uncle's real but missing son, came before his eyes.

"Huh, pathetic," he saw him sneering in his calm but cold voice. His black hair - with a tint of blue when exposed to sunlight - hung at either side of his face like bangs. The hair on his back was in a natural but stunning spike. He granted him a cold gaze with his black eyes.

Though he missed him a lot at times but right now, Aahil was glad that he left them.

He saw a man wearing a grey-coloured newsboy cap, approaching him, seizing two steps at a time. Unlike others, he wore a grey shirt and had on what seemed to be a permanent stiff face and Aahil felt that his tummy made a double flip.

The salesperson whispered something near his ears and pointed a finger at him. He tried to stay calm.

"I have been informed that Kabir Emaami's son..." the owner scanned something on his face. When he continued, his voice had decreased to several notches. "...has returned?"

"No. You have been told that Kabir Emaami's son wants you to accept his order." Now, he got the hang of the conversation. He let in a calm breath and his shoulders sank in relaxation. He knew what he had to say.

The owner peeked at him with confusion. It was a stroke of luck that his face resembled that of his uncle's and it had been many years since anyone saw Haadi's face.

"Oh yeah, well boy!" The owner turned towards the salesperson, a bit shaken, his voice went back to its normal stiff. "Note down his order, quick quick-" he clapped his hands to seize the attention of the other two salesmen nearby. "Bring that chair over here and..."

Soon after, the whole market whirled into a hustle. He was shoved into a chair and was handed a glass. He looked down to find a soft drink in his hand. He felt blood rushing to his cheeks.

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