Tyche...and herself[Part-10]

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She didn't really know what to do at the moment other than sleep or bother someone so she chose to bother Cale.

"Where the hell is that human?"-Tyche

Grumbling, the black feline made her way to the kitchen to see if he was there. To her surprise, he was there.

She jumped on his lap, effectively making him stop eating his food and be annoyed by her sudden 'affection'. She just laughed at him and told Beacroux that she was hungry.

"By the way, did you meet with the ancient dragon yet? I wanted to make some bombs with him and little black... "-Tyche

Cale paused and looked at her, trying to understand what exactly he had done to attract such crazy and weird people. What God did he have to kick in the behind to make his suffering stop? All he had ever wanted was a nice slacker life.

" Your dream will always be a dream."-Tyche

She yawned after she said that, not knowing that she had accidentally said it out loud and made Cale think that either she could read his mind or he was going crazy.

Well, it's not like Tyche cared anyway. She was enjoying herself watching Cale try to figure her out.

She jumped out of Cale's lap when she heard her food being placed on the table and proceeded to eat both hers and Cale's share of the food.

Cale just sighed and asked Beacroux to make more food. Cale was sure she ate as much as the glutton ate.

"Well, human, I'm going to go and find my cute little siblings, don't disturb me."-Tyche

Cale thought about why he would even disturb her in the first place when he was happy she was going away and letting him eat in peace.


Watching her walk out of the place, Cale once again noticed how the cat managed to look very elegant while being... a cat. She walked as though she owned the place. He ignored the fact that he walked like that most of the time as well.

Tyche yawned once again and wondered just how a single day could be this boring. Nothing interesting was happening and she was feeling so lazy that she didn't even have Cale run around today.

She wishes she-


Something dropped on her head at that moment. She looked up to see who in all of the worlds that were would throw something on her head. For herself's sake, she was practically a God. Who the hell would want to feel her wrath? Someone stupid, she was sure.

Not seeing anyone, she jumped back into the house and quietly climbed up the stairs to look at who could have done that.

She had three suspects. Choi Han, who she immediately cut out as if it was his fault he would've apologized already. Hong, she didn't trust the boy that much with his prankster personality. And... Wait, who was that?

"Hey, who the heck are you to be standing so close to my adorable brother?! Get away from him, you're making his surroundings ugly."-Tyche

The elemental, who seemed very surprised at being seen and called out like that, panicked and ran out the window.

Meanwhile, both Choi Han and Hong looked very concerned for Tyche.

[A/n: I'M SORRY!!! The last update was meant to be published on my other book!!!!!!
*digs a hole for me to bury myself in*]

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