Choi Han is her favorite [Part-5]

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[A/n: Wait... Was Hong a boy?]

It had been 2 days since a random black cat from the fog cat tribe had barged in his study.

She mostly slept and ate, and acted like she owned the place, and didn't disturb him. She had even managed to catch a few traitors in his palace who were trying to poison him and relaying information to outsiders so he was a bit grateful to her for it.

"Oi princey, get your ass off that chair you're gonna get back pain at this rate. Imagine the first prince of a kingdom with the longest history dying from freaking back pain. I bet it's the human blood in you making you so stupid."-Tyche

He was a bit happy she cared about him but he would appreciate it if she didn't announce that he didn't just have human blood in his veins every second she opened her mouth to speak.

Sighing slightly, he looked at her straight in the eyes and didn't bother to cover up his exasperated expression.

"Could you not-" -Alberu

"Yes I will do it again so do not bother correcting me for the 13th time now. Next time I will scratch you."-Tyche

His eye twitched at the threat and he once again sighed and thought about how his life had gotten so weird within these past few days.

One other thing that Alberu had noticed about her was that she disappeared at random times, or he could say that she hid from some people at random times. One such person she would hide from was the king. But there also times when she would hide at the most random times.

"Don't hurt your tiny brain thinking so much."-Tyche

Whatever it may be he did not like her at all.

Throwing a pen at her direction, she casually dodged before yawning.

"Princey, I'll be going to meet with some human I know. Make sure you store some of those nice cookies for me."-Tyche

He nodded a bit and made a mental reminder to try and see who this human she was talking about was. He knew it would be hard to do so as she was very perceptive when she wanted to be but he couldn't help but feel curious about the enigma known as Tyche.


Tyche meowed loudly and happily as she made her way to a frozen Cale. She didn't get why he still hadn't got used to her sudden appearances but it was always fun to scare him.

He stared at her for a bit before sighing and getting some meat out of his carriage for her to eat. The horse carriage looked extravagant and looked spectacular. The Henituse symbol was present on both sides of it to both show who the carriage belonged to and to scare away anyone willing to harm the one inside.

Tyche would've whistled at the sight of his expensive garments he was wearing to the nobel gathering but she was in her cat form and only gave him a look he could interpret as, 'You did something right for once.'

Some haughty and snooty guy came over before Tyche could say something and started to talk with Cale. She huffed a bit before remembering he was Venion Stan's lackey.

-... You're like Noona-

Tyche smiled widely when she heard an innocent and young child's voice in her head. She didn't think that Raon would speak to her already. But On and Hong had been friendly to him a lot and Cale had given her a piece of meat in front of him so he might have thought that she was trustable.

She just smiled and wrote something down with the slight dirt on the ground and walked away from the place. Choi Han and the wolf children, along with Rosalyn, had probably already arrived in the capital along with her smart and cute siblings and she wanted to visit them soon.

She decided to follow some servants who had helped in escorting Cale to the crown prince's castle to the Henituse's territory in the capital.


The atmosphere within the mansion was joyful, among the guests. Choi Han, Rosalyn and the cat siblings had already managed to calm Lock down.

"Hello there my little treasures, how were you two while I was gone?"-Tyche

On and Hong ran up to Tyche and they talked all about what they had been up to. Choi Han seeing them, chuckled a bit out of fondness while Rosalyn wondered who the new cat was. Lock seemed a bit happy at seeing the cute scene in front of him and was reminded of his own siblings who weren't currently there with him.

"Guess what I got you?"-Tyche


Lock looked a bit disturbed at that and the reaction was so little only because Hong had told him that she could do something with poisons, while Rosalyn completely froze. Choi Han once again chuckled, as he already knew why exactly Hong would ask for poison.

"Some delicious meat!"-On

This time Tyche chuckled and shook her to indicate it was neither of those things.

More suggestions popped, and even Choi Han helped with them.

"All of you are wrong."-Tyche

She turned into her human form, once again leaving a slightly stunned Rosalyn and a bit of a surprised Lock, and she made Hong and On wear some sort of bracelet on one of their front paws.

"Wow~!!! It's so pretty Noona!!!"-Hong

On and Tyche didn't know which Noone Hong was referring to so they both nodded at her.

"They are really beautiful."-Rosalyn

"Aren't they? Hong's one has a special effect which has something to do with poisons."-Tyche

Hong shouted out in happiness as she kept asking what it does and Tyche just said to figure out on her own.

"And On's one has a special effect which has something to do with wind."-Tyche

To most people, the effects that the bracelets would have may have been really minor and thus, they wouldn't care about it much but if used properly even a minor effect like the wind blowing could help win a fight.

And she knew that he little siblings would figure out just how exactly they should use them.

"Oh, and I got something for you too, Choi Han. It should arrive in about an hour or two."-Tyche

Choi Han looked very surprised before muttering something about, 'You didn't have to do this...', and 'Thank you...', which she ignored by asking what a wolf and some random red head was doing in her mansion.

"I thought it Cale-nim's man-"

"It's the same thing. Don't sweat the details."-Tyche

[A/n: So like I STILL don't have any idea of where I'm going with this.]

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