Chapter 44; what is she doing here?

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Max pov:

"What is She doing here?" Lillith asked us, anger in her eyes. Now we're fucked. None of my brothers said anything, so I took it upon me to answer the bitch.

"You wanted us to search for a queen, so we did. We married anisa" I smirked seeing lillith getting angrier by the minute.

"What!? Why her?" She yelled. I growled cause she almost woke up anisa.

"Mother Please be quiet. Anisa had a very tiring day, she really needs some sleep" Jacob calmly told her.

"She had a tiring day!? What about me? I've been on this stupid business trip for months, and then I come back to see this pest laying in one of my sons bed. And not only that, you married her!"

"So who married her?" Dad asked us, ignoring the yells from lillith.

"We all did" Aidan said. Dads eyes widened. A smirk appears on his face and I already knew what was coming.

"Rip that pussy" he chuckled. My brothers and I all snickered at dads respond. He really is a child sometimes.

"Lucifer, this is no time for jokes! 1 queen for 5 kings!? Are you crazy? This doesn't work" lillith slapped dad. I really don't know how dad can deal with her. Well Its not like he married lillith out of love, just for power. He married my mom out of love.... and then she died.

"Dear, I don't see a problem with this. It's very Common for us demons to have multiple wives. Heck I had three" dad said.

"Ugh, this cant be happening!? I won't allow this, what is her power? That way she'll marry the person with that power" she glared crossing her arms. If only she knew.

"That's the thing mom, she doesn't have our powers" Aidan snickered. Lillith looked so confused, I wish I could record this. "She actually has all the water powers" Aidan continued.

Lillith looked like she could faint any minute now. Dad also looked in shock, but more in amazement.

"So a mere human is the water clan leader?" Dad asked. We all nodded, as Damian hugged anisa close with a proud smile on his face. "This is amazing!" Dad fanboyed.

"I feel a bit faint" lillith said fanning her face. Her body was swaying left to right, when she started falling backwards. "I'm gonna faint, darling catch me"


"Lucifer!?" Dad just let lillith fall onto the ground, as he walked towards the bed to look at anisa.

"Why is She so tired?" Dad asked, examining anisa her face.

"We finally aloud her to see her family today, it didn't end so well. Her aunt ruined everything, making Damian loose control of his powers" Aki said.

"Poor girl" dad said, putting a strand of hair behind anisa her ear. "Well Sons, I have a lot of questions of course"

"Me and Aidan will explain everything" Jacob said, walking out of the room with Aidan and dad. Lillith still sat on the ground pouting.

"Are you leaving or what?" I sneered at her. She growled as she stood up. She dusted her dress before holding her head up high and left.

"Well lillith reacted how I imagined. Dad on the other hand" Damian chuckled.

"I'm glad she didn't kill anisa the moment she saw her" Aki sighed, snuggling close to anisa. I'm glad she didn't either. Not that I would give Lillith the chance to do that. I'd kill her in a heartbeat.

"Guys, you're being to loud" Anisa all of a sudden groaned in Damians chest.

"Sorry baby, did you sleep well?" Damian asked her, running his fingers through her hair.

"To short, wish it was longer. Ugh, I want pizza" She yawed, hiding herself in the covers. Standing up from the chair, I walked over to the bed. I then jumped on top of anisa, while she was still under the blankets.

"Fuck you big bitch, get off of me!" She yelled, trying to push me away. Like she's able to do that, I'm all muscles. "Can't breathe! It's to hot in here. need. fresh.AIR!" Pulling the covers away from her face, she panted loudly while glaring at me.

"i hate you"

"Love you to" I chuckled. "So, pizza?" Her eyes beamed, nodding a yes. "Well then, Lila!"

"Yes my lord" Lila bowed, walking into the room

"4 pizza's , you know which ones" I simple said. She nodded, quickly flying out.

"What about jacob and aidan?" Anisa asked me from underneath me.

"They're not here, if they were I would've ordered. To bad for them" I shrugged.

anisa pov:

I woke up to the guys being loud as hell. Like hello, I'm over here being all sad and shit and y'all have to be so loud? Disrespect. Oh well at least I'm getting pizza

"Why were you guys so loud?" I asked them.

"Lillith and dad came back, they found you sleeping in here. Lillith flipped" Aki explained

"What!?" I jumped up. I'm so dead. Lillith hates me!

"Calm down anisa, she won't hurt you" Damian said. Did he read my mind or something? Is that an ability of demons as well? Cause these guys don't wanna hear my thoughts, they would need a therapist. Taking a deep breath, the door opened. A servant then walked in, I think her name is Lila but I'm not sure. There are so many servants here I can't remember all the names.I only know sebastian and mimi. Mimi is my personal servant. 

 "Your pizza's my lord" Lila bowed, handing us the pizza. Taking a slice I moaned in delight. I've never had such a good pizza in my life! Pizzas are so much better in hell.

"So what now? Your parents know I'm here" I asked them. The were silent for a moment, just looking at each other.

"Dad probably wants you to go meet your clans since you haven't done that yet. he's literally fanboying cause you have water powers. He can't wait to finally see the clans again.  Lillith wants to test your strength." Damian said eating his pizza.

"Test how?"

"probably by throwing you in an arena" Max shrugged. A fucking arena? I'm gonna die. I just know it. I already died turning into a demon, and now I'm gonna die again. Great, just fucking great.

"Don't fear anisa. You're a strong fighter, and a fast learner." Max comforted me, giving me a wink. My cheeks must be so red right now. Why am I even blushing? A few days ago I hated them with every fiber in my body. And now I"m hanging out with them like old times.

what is going on with me?

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