chapter 64: fairy juice

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Anisa pov:

"hahaha, I feel great!" I cheered, falling against max. it's feels like I'm floating on air.

"hahaha me too" Max laughed loudly as he caught me. Only he almost fell backwards. it feels like I lost control of my body. my head feels light, I keep stumbling over my feet, and I'm happier then ever. It looks like I'm drunk. But that's not possible. I don't drink alcohol.

"we, we should go to bed" I giggled, patting him on the chest. so hard. max nodded, and we both went to our room. stumbling all the way there. we even knocked over a vase, and this made us laugh even harder. entering the room I didn't recognize it. what is this sorcery ? I thought this was my room. letting myself fall on the bed, I saw max take off his shirt. rubbing my hands over his chest, i giggled seeing his nipples

"boop, one nipple. boop, two nipple. boop,  three...max you have a third nipple!" I screeched seeing the extra stub in the middle of his chest. how did it get there?

"What!?" Max yelled trying to look at his chest. "Holy shit!" Max yelled in surprise seeing his third nipple. "I can feed triplets now!" he cheered

"But we don't have triplets" I said. how is he gonna feed triplets then if we don't have any? all that milk left to waste.

"Let's make them!" Max all of a sudden said


"Let's make them! Let's make triplets" he said as he pulled down his pants. looking down I stared in awe. that's one big sausage

"Sophie would say you have a horse cock" I giggled, poking it. hehe it moved. poking it again it moved once more. it's like a yo-yo.

"hehe it's kinda big" he sheepishly smiled. "wait. If I have a horse cock, am I a centaur then?"

"you don't have a horse butt" I said smacking it.

"but how do I have a horse cock then?"

"omg, maybe your dad fucked a centaur and the only thing you inherited is the dick!" I said. I'm so smart! big brain moment

"holy shit that could be true! my lifes a lie! I was made to believe my mom was a demon" Max cried

"Where could your mom be then? I've never seen your dad close to a centaur lady before" I asked in confusion as I petted his shoulder

"dad probably send her to ikea to be made into swedish meatballs" He sobbed. "I probably ate my mom"

"omg I ate your mom to then" I gasped, tears forming in my eyes

"We're both cannibals!" me and max sobbed. How could I eat his mom? I ate my mother in law. but she was just so tasty. how could I not eat her? omg, I ask for extra meatballs! I ate her double!

"How am I gonna tell aki?" he sobbed holding me closely

"we're not! that's gonna break his little cookie heart!"

"it truelly is a cookie. it crumbles so fast. you can't tell him. this has to be our secret!" max said holding his finger to my mouth en rubbing it.

"our secret!" I said determint.feeling max squeez my boobs I looked at him in confusion. Why is he squeezing my melons of justice?

"this seals the secret. now nobody can know cause I just squeezed a secret code that only you and I know" he said. oh that's really smart. cause only I can know cause I felt the squeezes. our personal boobie code

"max, what did we drink?" I giggled, letting myself fall backwards on the bed

"I don't know. damian said something about fairy juice."

"We drank tinkerbell!?" I yelled shooting up

"Holy shit! peter pan is gonna kill us! now I'll never get to see neverland" max sobbed. we both sobbed again in each others embrace. Why is life so unfair? like what did tinkerbell do to deserve to be made into a tasty drink!?

"I love you so much max!" I sobbed holding him tightly

"I love you to!" he sobbed back

"I-I want to break freeeeeee"

"I want to break freeeeeeeee"

aki pov:

"damian what did you serve them?!" I asked him. we couldn't find anisa and max anymore at the party so we decided on looking for them. we heard everything they said. I'm wondering if they took any pills with their alcohol when I heard them talking

"Just some fairy juice" he shrugged, as he wiped away some tears from laughing

"Fairy juice!? damian one shot of that equals 10 shots of wodka!" jacob scolded him. "How much did they have?"

"5....maybe 20 glasses" he said looking away from us.

"how are they not dead?" aidan asked, but more to himself. that will be a mistery we will never know. "guys should we help them? they are still hysterically crying" aidan said as he peeked through the door.

"let the alcohol wear off. just lock the door so they can't leave. I don't even want to know what they would do if they get out of the castle" jacob sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"This is the first time anisa is drunk. she has never drunk alcohol before" I said.

"well this is a fun story to tell then. I'll never let her forget this" damian laughed .

"well I can't deny that" Aidan laughed.

"ah~max, to big"

"wait, are they?" jacob asked wide eyed

"so tight"

"no they aren't. in their state right now?" aidan said.

"ah~max, faster!"

"I'm gonna cum"

"Don't you fucking dare already! or I'll tell aki you ate your mom!"

"we did the secret boobie code!"

"And I'll break it if I have to"

"I have to cut of one of your boobs then. That's the punishment for breaking the Boobie code!"

"Fuck me like you mean it then!" Anisa growled with a demon voice

hearing faster slapping of skin. the moans of max and anisa turned louder. how fast are they even going? it's like max drank 10 red bulls.

"I'm just gonna go" jacob awkwardly said as he slowly walked away

"Yeah me to" Aidan said. I didn't even say anything, I just followed  him. I had to pull damian with me cause he stayed by the door. I hope anisa won't remember anything anymore tomorrow. this must be so awkward tomorrow if she does remember. But I do know one thing, I will never let her forget this moment

a/n just a little filler chapter. sorry it was so short. had a it of a writers block.

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