Chapter 28: now the fun can begin (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"So let me get this straight. The guys have more pets but you are the only one aloud to go to the human world." I asked the 5 animals in front of me.

"Well duh! Imagine spot coming to the human world, people would flip!" Mozart laughed. Who the hell is spot? Does Damian have more dogs?

"Who's spot?" I asked him.

"Well duh, it's masters other pet of course! He's my best friend!" He jumped in happiness. He was then slapped by jewel, making Mozart stop in his tracks.

"Why did you slap meeeeee!?" He whined.

"Cause she doesn't know who spot is you dumbass. Spot is damians protection pet, he's an Leopard." Jewel said, licking her paw.

"L-Leopard?" they have pets like leopards?

"Yeah! And he's really cool! And we also have noodle, and bagheera, bartholomew, Alfred, and we can't forget about Pikachu!" Mozart yelled, doing little happy feet.

"And what kind of animal are they?"

"We'll let damian tell you that" bumper said, laying down. So they all have 7 animals? And they can be animals like leopards. I swear if one of them has a snake I'm out of here! Or worse, A SPIDER!! Nah nah nah nah naaaaaaaah!!!!

"Can everybody understand you?"

"No, we choose who can understand us. Well we can't with the guys, they are our masters after all" celestia said, nuzzling my stomach.

"So you guys let me understand you? Why?" I asked, petting celestia. Why would they let me understand them? It doesn't make sense, they barely know me.

"We like you, you aren't like the other girls" cooper said, scratching himself.

"Let me stop you there cooper. 'I'm not like other girls'? What is this a wattpad story?" This made them all laugh their fluffy asses off. I don't know what's so funny. I already feel like I'm in a wattpad story, I do not wanna be a basic ass y/n

"That's not what we meant anisa. Master has met many girls before, but I've never seen him this happy before. All because of you!" Cooper said, licking my face. Smiling I gently pushed him away, scratching behind his ear.

"Wow cooper, letting somebody scratch behind your ears? Have you gone soft?" Jewel laughed, making cooper glare at her.

"I'm not going soft, you pampered bitch!" He barked at her. They started yelling back and fort. I'm watching two animals yell at each other, in English! Am I sure I'm not dreaming?

"Yeah they are gonna be like that for a while. Wanna look around the castle?" Mozart half yelled in my ear.

"She can't Mozart, she's not aloud to leave the room." Bumper sighed.

"But it's so boring staying in this room! Can't I just ask master?" He whined, rolling on his back.

"Ask me what?" There was damian standing in the door frame, with the rest behind him.

"MASTER!! I was just wondering if we can show anisa around the castle! Please please please please!!!!" Mozart yelled, jumping around Damian. Damian laughed, crouching down to pet him.

"Sorry Mozart, but she not aloud to leave this room yet." Damian smirked at me. Staring down at my lap, I started fumbling with the hem of my shirt.

"Why nooooooot?!" I heard Mozart whine.

"Lilith hasn't left yet, so we have to hide her. she can't know she's here already, she'll kill her." tensing up, I looked at Damian. a big ass grin was on his face. Oh I just want to slap it off. great, of course lillith is here. Why wouldn't she be

"Don't frighten her Damian!" Aki slapped Damian. Aki then sat down next to me on the bed, I just scooted toward the end of the bed.

"Ah don't be scared of us anisa, we are still the same guys you oh so love" he smiled.

"I may have loved you guys before, but I definitely don't now" I sneered at him. Aki just started laughing like maniac.

"Oh well, you'll love us again. I just know it! And when you do, I'll shower you with all the love in the world. And we will have lots of baby's, You'd like that don't you!?" He giggled, This dude is crazy! I don't want to have kids with him!

"You're telling me not to frighten her, but you are doing the exact same Aki!" Damian yelled, pulling Aki away from the bed.

Why can't they already leave!? I'd rather stay with their pets, then to have them in the room. Just go away, and let me chill with these pets in peace. And maybe some food that would be nice. Gosh my stomach is rumbling.

"You're hungry aren't ya?" Max grinned, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Shaking his arm away, I shook my head no. "Don't lie to me Anisa, I can tell you're hungry"

"I'm not, now leave me alone!"

"Sure you're not hungry? We took you during lunch time, and you haven't eaten anything since then. Almost 2 days without food" He grinned. Still shaking my head no, he sighed.

"Then starve" He shrugged. He looked towards his brothers, not leaving my side. Much to my dismay.

"She can't starve! She has to eat something!" Aki yelled, breaking his fight with Damian. "Come on anisa tell me, what do you want to eat?" He sat next to me, holding my hand.

Why do they keep on touching me?! Celestia then jumped on my lap, slapping Aki's hand away. Aki retreated his hand, glaring at the kitten in front of him

"Sorry master, but Anisa doesn't want to be touched at the moment" She said, tilting her head a bit.

"And what gives you the right to slap me?" he glared at the kitten. She just licked her paw, laying down on my lap.

"Because she's uncomfortable, do you want your queen to be uncomfortable? I know I wouldn't" She sneered. How can a little kitten act this way?! like how!? sassy little cat.

"I'll let this behavior slide for now celestia, but I won't tolerate it anymore" Aki sternly said. Celestia pretended that she didn't care, but I could feel her shake in my embrace.

"So anisa, what do you wan't to do?" Jacob asked, sitting down on the poof in front of the bed. Crossing my arms, I just glared at him.

"Go home. Going home to my mom! she must be worried sick!" I yelled at him. The guys just looked unfazed at my outburst, except aidan, he looked a bit pissed

"Didn't we say that one of the rules was not to yell at us? So why are you yelling?" Aidan sternly said to me, crossing his arms.

"Because I want to go home!"

"You are home!"

"Stop saying that bullshit! This isn't my home, my home is in the human world! Home with my mom" I was now sobbing. Bumper ran up to the bed, jumping on it. He started whining, while licking away my tears.

"The faster you accept that this is your home from now on, the quicker you'll like it here" Max said.

"I don't want to~ *KNOCK KNOCK*" I wanted to tell them to fuck off with their home bullshit, but I got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Jacob yelled. The door opened, and income was a small skinny boy, that looked to be around my age.

"Mastered, the king and queen left" he bowed. The guys then started grinning. What does it mean they left?

"Now the fun can begin"

Sharing my loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora