Start from the beginning

Some people could argue that he looked like a Greek God for his good, and what he couldn't do with his sulky attitude, he did with his looks. Charm people. But like all forms of physical appeasement, the divine beauty of his outer self defied the cruel curtsy of his jerk self. There have to be two possibilities for someone to think he could be nice-

1. He'd fall and hit his head on a cliff.

2. You are dreaming.

"Yeah?" He looked at me questioningly.

I realized I was holding my breath in for some reason. I breathed out and noticed that the office smelt of Will Turner.

Musky sandalwood.

"Mr. Turner, I was wondering if I could go home by five today and turn in all thirty manuscripts first thing in the morning?" I said, trying to put on my best smile.

"Why would you think that?" He asked with a straight face. Seriously?

"It's a bit personal." I said, hoping he'd pay attention to it.

"Keep talking..." He said, writing notes on the letter pad. Could he just not be a jerk for a while!

"I have a date." Shittiest lie ever.

"So?" He kept scribbling.

"If you don't let me go, I'll die single. Please, let me go." I said, trying to pull the best pleading face I could.

"Oh, I see. You're looking for a boyfriend?" He asked, a little amused as he tapped his chin. Was this working? I hoped it did.


"What kind of boys do you like, Mellon?" Why did he want to know?

"Funny, respectable, loyal. Bonus points if he has blue eyes." I said, smiling unexpectedly. I couldn't believe I was having this conversation with Tyranny Turner.

He furrowed his eyebrows and then eased them out. As if his prolonged thinking had concluded. More like he had figured out whether or not to let me go off that quick. The only thing anyone in my position could expect from him is 'the worst of the possible, and then there was this hope, buried in my heart, that he would perhaps take pity on me.

"On second thought, I think we won't be needing the manuscripts turned in tomorrow. Speaking of which ..."

He paused mid-sentence. Okay, maybe he will just let me off the hook.

"Yes?" I said, a little hopeful.

"Do you have a habit of over-working all night?" He asked, and my thoughts danced a little.

"Umm..yes," I said little curious.

What was he thinking?

"Great then, there would be a change in our plans..."

His eyes sparkled. His habit of stopping mid-sentence put me on edge. Couldn't he say all of it once? I could bet he was doing it on purpose to get a rise out of me.

"And that would be?" I insisted.

"You will work in the office the whole night and turn in the manuscripts to me by midnight."He smiled and went to stare at his phone.

That jerk. What did I even expect? I couldn't even bring myself to refuse. He would threaten to give me a pay cut. Or worse, he could fire me for talking back. After what happened in the elevator, it was nearly impossible to question his ways. Tyranny always does things in his way.

"Now hurry...and while you are at it, could you please bring me my lunch? I have placed the order. You can fetch it for me." He winked and retired to his work.

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