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"I don't mind switching sides." He says, laughing a little. His face turns serious. "Please. This is the second time you've kicked my ass and you're about to escape. He'll kill me. He took me when I was a child to collect a debt. I mean nothing to him."

I sigh. "Fine. But if you try to betray me, I'll slit your throat ear to ear."

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

The guys rush over to me and ask me if I'm okay but I'm on autopilot. The only thing I could think about is killing the man I used to adore.

Aiden puts his hands on my shoulders. "I know what you're thinking about right now and we can't princess. If you want to kill him you can but this place is probably swarming with armed men. It's a suicide mission."

"Then leave. I can do this alone." I forcibly remove Aiden's hands from my shoulders and head to the door. Milo pulls me back before I can exit. "He's right, love. You can't do this right now. They are too many of them. I can't let you leave."

"You think you can stop me?" I ask, smirking at him.

Milo swallows and Cassius pulls me away from him. "Amaris your monster is out. You need to get it under control."

"Really Cas? You're going to talk to me about monsters? Talk to me when you're done killing for sport." I bite out, pulling away from him.

Aiden whispers something to Sam and Sam pulls out a syringe.

I laugh. "Really Sam? What'd I just say?"

"I'm sorry but I'm really looking forward to working with you and I have no intention of letting you commit suicide before I get to learn from you. I'm selfish that way." He says, shrugging.

I look at Aiden. "Don't make me hurt you."

"I wouldn't worry about that prin-"

I punch him in the face, cutting him off. "You were saying?"

"Guys we need to get out of here. We don't have time for this." Milo says.

Cassius grabs me from behind and I head-butt him. He curses but doesn't let go. Aiden tries to walk up to me but I kick him. He throws the syringe to Milo and Milo shoves it into my arm.

"I'm going to kill you." I say before everything goes black.

I wake up in my room to the sound of people arguing. Fuck, my head is killing me. I groan and sit up, swinging my legs over the edge of my bed. I see a pill and a cup of water on my nightstand with a note reading "For the headache" so I take it and walk out of my room.

"We don't trust you." Cassius growls.

"Well, I'm not for you to trust! I'm here to please Amaris and Amaris only." Sam says.

"She doesn't need you." Aiden says, walking up to Sam.

Milo is sitting on the couch eating cereal, completely unbothered. He must like Sam.

I sigh. "Please lower your voices. The pill hasn't kicked in yet." I say, wincing at the loudness.

"What pill?" Milo asks.

"I left her a pill for the headache earlier. The sedative you gave her usually has a kick." Sam says.

"Thank you, Sam." I say walking to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"You're welcome, boss." Sam says.

Cassius scoffs and Aiden laughs.

"Amaris do you really trust him?" Aiden asks, coming up to me.

"I've proven myself. I gave you the sedative for Amaris and I got us out of there safely." Sam argues.

"The only thing you proved was that you don't mind betraying people when it benefits you," Cassius says.

"Guys, please.... Please don't make me angry right now. I'm trying my best to convince the voice in my head that killing you all isn't going to make me feel better and the louder you get the more I want to kill." I say, closing my eyes and leaning against the countertop.

Everything goes quiet and I can finally breathe. Aiden puts his arms around me, hugging me from the back and I lean into him. "I'm so sorry princess. For all of it."

A single tear falls from my eyes. "Yeah, I know." I open my eyes and walk away. "Sam stays."

I need to be alone. I go back to my room and lay down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. An hour passes and then two and then five. A knock sounds at my door and I sit up. "Come in."

"Can I turn on the light?" I didn't even realize it was nighttime.

"Um Yeah."

Sam turns on the light and walks in. "How are you doing?"

"Ask me another question."

He nods, understandingly. "Is the headache gone?"

"Yes," I say, giving him a small smile.

"Good." He says, looking a bit nervous.

"Do you want me to leave? I would understand. I mean it's not like we made a blood pact or anything." He giggles nervously. It's weird to see someone with such a huge presence be so nervous.

"Tell me about what happened to you. You said you were taken to collect a debt?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

Sam sighs and sit's on the edge of my bed. "Yeah. My dad owed the boss money. The yakuza boss, that is. Not my boss. I work under your father so he's technically my boss but he works for someone we refer to as "The Phantom". No one really knows his real identity." He says shrugging. "Anyway, my dad owed him money and he died before he could pay it back so they took me and killed my mother instead." He says in a voice so low, I barely heard him.

"I'm sorry," I say and he lifts his head to look me in the eye.

"Thank you." He says, giving me a genuine smile.

"I don't want you to leave. I'd like you to stay."

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