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"Amaris it's time to wake up"

"Five more minutes" I whine at the rude intruder.

"You said that twenty minutes ago. Come on bug, you already missed breakfast. You need to eat something."

I open my eyes slightly to see Cassius sitting on the side of my all black california king bed. I look around my room, remembering my childhood bedroom. The boys and I moved into our own place when I turned seventeen. They gave me the biggest room in the penthouse and I have a feeling it's because they knew they'd be in here about eighty percent of the time. When decorating this time around I chose to go with black and gray as my primary colors. To the left of my bed is a glass window overlooking downtown LA. In Front of my bed is a floor to ceiling mirror and to my right, next to the door, is my walk-in closet that leads to my bathroom. I have a painting of the grim reaper hung above my bed and I've placed two shelves directly on both sides of my bed to hold my books.

"What time is it?" I ask him before yawning and stretching my arms out.

"2:30 pm" he tells me while looking at me with a weird look on his face. "What are you wearing?"

I look down at my SpongeBob pajama set and smile "you like?" I say smirking at him. "I got it yesterday."

He stands up completely ignoring my question and pulls me up from my bed "come on, Milo's cooking you lunch"

"Fine" I say, rolling my eyes.

Cassius glares at me "Don't make me spank you."

Aiden walks in tilting his head "Do you want her to break your arm again?".

Cassius just smiles and winks at me.

I ignore him and head out to milo "This smells amazing" I hug him from the back and he leans into me. "It'll be ready soon, love".

I look around the kitchen "where's sam?" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

Milo tenses "uhh he left earlier."

"Really? I told him to be here when I wake up" I say confused as to why he's not here. I walk over to the counter and hop on while pulling out my phone. I call him twice but it doesn't even ring.

Sam is my latest sex buddy. I don't want a relationship but I can't exactly go sexless. I've had other partners but they all end up disappearing after a while. They usually end up wanting more attention and I can't give it to them so I assume they leave because they feel used but I always set boundaries in the beginning so I don't know why this keeps happening. All I know is that I'm sexually frustrated and it seems like sam had also disappeared. I sigh "I really thought he would last longer."

I set my phone down, looking around the huge kitchen. I can't cook to save my life so I'm glad Milo puts it to good use. When the boys saw my room they liked it so we decided to go with that aesthetic throughout the house. The kitchen has gray marble countertops, gray trash cans, gray chairs, black cabinets, a black table, white silverware, as well as a black stove, microwave and refrigerator.

I hop off the counter and go to the refrigerator to go get a bottle of water. "Is there an assignment today?" I ask the boys while walking back over to the table.

"Yeah we need to look into a potential partner tonight" Aiden says while coming up behind me and pulling out a chair for me to sit.

When I was ten I learned the truth about my parents. They were the leaders of what we now know as the lion's head mafia. Back then it was a small but rising organization. The yakuza saw a need to eliminate the competition and murdered my parents. The parents of my best friends worked directly under mine along with my aunt and when they died, my aunt became the head of the mafia. As the organization grew she couldn't handle it on her own on top of taking care of me so she promoted Milo's parents, Cassius's father and Aiden's mother. Now they run the organization together and we've been going on missions since the day we turned eighteen.

"Any killing? I ask with a smirk on my face.

"Maybe" Cassius says, giving me a wicked smile.

"Fun" I say, keeping eye contact with him.

When Cassius looks at you, you have no choice but to feel intimidated. He does it to assert his dominance and to study microexpressions to tell what someone is thinking. He tried it on me once when we were kids and when I didn't react he saw it as a challenge. Half the time I still can't tell if he's trying to assert dominance over me or if he's trying to figure out what's going on inside my head.

"You'll give in to me soon princess." he whispers.

"yeah we'll see about that" I say as milo comes over with my plate of food. I look at the dish and practically drool. It's chicken alfredo with extra crispy chicken, extra cheese and bacon bits sprinkled over the top. I start eating and Aiden comes to sit next to me as he watches my plate "what about me?"

"You can get it yourself, I'm not your butler." Milo says glaring at him.
After we're done eating we watch a couple episodes of "the office" before meeting in the strategy room to talk about the plan for tonight.

"Alright let's get started. Issac Hamilton is the potential partner. As of right now the assignment is to get intel on him. Our target is his nephew Nicolas hamilton also known as hammy" Aiden says from the head of the long table.

I can't help but giggle at the nickname. "Really? Hammy?"

Aiden furrows his eyebrows in confusion."That's what the file says" he looks at me and milo and I burst out laughing.

"Maybe it's because he likes ham. You know what? This reminds me of my pet hamster" Milo says.

I turn to milo who sits across from me and roll my eyes "Everything reminds you of your pet hamster".

Milo will use any and all excuses to bring up his dead pet hamster in conversation. The hamster died when he was three years old, I'm not sure he even remembers her but he has cute pictures so he never shuts up about it.

"Do you wanna see pictures of her?" he asks unlocking his phone.

"Milo please, we've seen the pictures a thousand times. Put it away." I say.

"Can we please get back on topic." Cassius sighs next to me, grabs my chair and spins me back around to look at Aiden who has a bored look on his face.

"Right" Aiden says "it look's like Nicolas has always been a grade A pain in the ass. He's practically the main consumer of his uncle's supply of cocaine. He's been arrested three time for driving under the influence and it looks like he has a taste for young girls."

My expression turns serious "i'm going to kill him for that" I say calmly.

"Yes princess, you can kill him after we question him. They've been having problems with the Russians so it'll look like a hit" Aiden reassures me.

"There's a new dress on your bed. He'll be at one of our clubs tonight with his friends so that's where we'll grab him. Go get dressed." Cassius says next to me.

I smile at him, "This is going to be fun."

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