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"Watch your mouth bagman" Natasha defended the girl who was the closest female friend she'd had in the Navy.

"You know, Thistle" Hangman stepped around the pool table after potting two ball and passing the cue to Lucille, "I didn't know they allowed invalids to fly" he smirked leaning on the table while folding his arms.

"I'm no invalid, but I appreciate your concern" Lucille smiled sarcastically to the egotistical ass before her. She lined up her cue and potted a ball first time.

"No?, last I heard you were" she closed her eyes momentarily, looks like the words out. She stood tall again facing Jake. She could feel Bradley's eyes on her, knew he was listening to every word. He just chose to but out.

"You're keeping tabs on me Hangman?" She winked his way potting another ball. "You'll make me blush"

"What the hell are we missing?" A tall man spoke up from hangman's side she raised a brow to which he confirmed what she was already thinking, "coyote"

"Thistle here got herself in a little trouble" hangman beamed getting the secret out. "Marksmanship not paying off I guess" he turned his body so his hands lay on the wood of the table.

"Oh shit, those rumours true?" Coyote added from behind hangman again. "That was you?" He faced her while stepping forward.

Lucille rolled her eyes before potting a third ball, one more than hangman had, she stood looking around to see all the pilots were listening in. Including Bradley who's eyes she finally met. He stared back, refusing to break first. God, Bradley and his competitive nature. She began to speak before turning back to hangman, keeping her eyes on Bradley who waited for confirmation intently, "yes, the rumours are true" she confirmed smiling and turning back to hangman to meet his eyes. She turned the cue round so the chalked side faced her show, running her finger down the polished wood.

"What uh- what rumours?" Bob piped up nervously from her side.

"I took a warning" she paused for dramatic effect, "and a bullet, for an ungrateful group of twats," she held eye contact with hangman quickly flipping her cue on its side, ramming that non-chalked side into his stomach as she continued "just like you, Bagman" She smiled as he hunched over lifting his hand to his stomach. It felt good knowing she wiped that smirk off his face. A smirk appearing on her own now instead.

"Wait you've been shot?" Fanboy jumped into the conversation.

She could see Bradley stand forward, taking a step closer from the corner of her eye. He didn't know, she knew that for sure, he'd known of her warning, but not the reason for it.

Hangman took a breath and stood straight again, smiling her way, "it's real hidden, isn't that right thistle" he cooed winking as he spoke. She knew what he was doing. He was trying to insinuate something that was far from true. Trying to get under her skin.

Bradley's large hand came down onto the edge of the pool table, "you two have slept together?" He sounded provoked making hangman smile.

"Let's find out shall we?" Lucille smirked passing her cue to Bob after hangman took the one he previously had, "where's the scar? Hm?" She stared straight into his damn soul, she knew he had no idea. His nervous laugh made it clear too.

"Your leg" he tried to proclaim confidently.

Lucille gave him an encouraging look, "which leg?"

"Right" his answer was quick. He sure was a chancer, she'd give him that.

She laughed at his response watching his smile fade quickly again. Her hand went down to the bottom of the tank she wore and pulled it up just slightly revealing the scar that sat just above her hip. Everyone staring like vultures besides Bradley who didn't bat an eyelid at her sudden act.

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