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Lucille 'Thistle' Ferguson was one of the greatest fighter pilots the United States Navy had ever seen. A girl who's mother was Scottish and father American, a girl with dual citizenship that had chosen the US Navy in a heartbeat.

As skilled as she was she was dangerous. She took 'don't think' to a new level, a stupid level.
Not only was she a Lieutenant she had been trained in hand to hand combat and marksmanship.

This morning she woke at 5.30am and made her way to meet with her Rear Admiral for an emergent meeting, she'd figured it to be yet another warning. She could live with that. She patted down her beige uniform while she walked along the hallway, towards his office. Checking her watch 07:59, perfect timing. She raised her hand which was balled into a fist and knocked twice.


She wasn't nervous, she had been in this position before, she knew they couldn't lose her, arrogant as it sounded she was too highly skilled to simply drop.

"Admiral Cooke" she nodded after opening the door to meet his eyes while he sat behind his very messy desk. Closing the door behind her she stood tall until he invited her to sit.

"Sit" well that was very literal.

She dropped herself into the cushioned wooden chair gently and clasped her hands that lay on her lap.

"I've called for you today to discuss something important" she racked her brain as he spoke for anything she'd done the past week or so, anything that would get her into bother. Nothing came up. She'd been assisting junior grade Lieutenants most of the week. He flicked open a brown file reading through what she assumed were her records. "You're a brave girl" his voice was incredibly monotonous. It always was, he was a 60 odd year old man who didn't have anyone but himself and the Navy. "Yet astonishingly hazardous"

"Have I done something Sir?" She spoke up confidently while sitting straight looking forward at the man before her.

"You've done many things which I am sure you are completely aware of, warnings and all" he huffed closing the file with a smack. His pointer finger tapping it a few times afterwards as if he had to think carefully of his wording. "You've been posted, provisionally selected, Lieutenant Ferguson" her eyes almost widened. She'd been posted? Where?

"May I ask where Sir?" Curiosity got the better of her.

"North Island" this time her eyes did widen at his words. "You were personally selected by Admiral Kazansky to return to Top Gun" Iceman, iceman had selected her, why would he want her back there?

"Just myself? Sir" the final word leaving her lips after a brow being raised by her Admiral for not saying it straight after her question.

"No, 12 of you" he paused reaching for his mug, "and No Lieutenant Ferguson I do not know who the other 11 are" it was as though he had read her mind. He sipped his coffee loudly, a sound she hardly even noticed due to her brain being consumed by returning to Top Gun, man it had been a while.

"You leave now, get packed Ferguson" he propped his mug back upon its coaster turning to his computer rather than the Lieutenant before him. "You're dismissed"

She did as she was told. She stood, gave him a curt nod and exited the room quickly, closing the door tightly behind her. A man dressed in the classic army print outside the door awaiting her to escort her to her home, collect the luggage needed and head towards the terminal.

She was certain she'd see some familiar faces, some she'd welcome and others she wouldn't. She'd hoped to God Natasha would be one of the eleven called. They had attended lessons together before, along with the righteous Hangman and Rooster.

Hell, if they were looking for the best fighter pilots in the Navy, like herself, chances are they would both also be there.

Rooster would be there.

The car stopped in front of what she knew to be a jet. A jet for her travels. The driver opening the car door while the escort collected her bags from the boot.

"All this for lil old me?" She smirked to the man she'd now known was Chester from her pestering on the way here.

"Curtesy of Admiral Kuzansky" Chester rolled her cases towards the men in neon vests, the men who loaded them onto the plane.

"Will you miss me Chester?" She pouted making her way to the jet.

"I've only known you for 2 hours Lieutenant, I think I'll survive" he gave her the sarcastic look as he spoke. She laughed lightly.

"You wound me" She ascended up the stairs to the small jet before her, "I will miss you Ches!" She called without turning back to look again after seeing the glorious jet. Iceman had a looot of money clearly. This was nice. Nicer than the hotboxes she usually flies.

"Yea yea, have a safe trip" he could just be heard before one of the flight attendants pulled the stairs, which was also the door for the jet, closed.

Top Gun better watch it's back.

Thistle ~ Bradley Rooster BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now