There was no doubt in my mind that dad had just told him that he was proud of him.

For a moment I had let myself think about the fact at how different half of us siblings were from the other half. Levi and Emilia living normal high school lives while me and Reagan were following completely different paths. Yet our parents were accepting of it all, they never questioned who we were or what we wanted. They let us discover ourselves what it was that we wanted.

"Don't think it will take much convincing for Levi to get into the NFL in a few years."

Mom scoffed at my comment and I could see that she was thinking back about something. "He takes after your uncle Hayden, maybe less off the air of superiority but definitely takes after him."

"I'm going to tell our uncle that you called him big headed."

Mom laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "Tell him all you want because if you don't I will."

"We have company." Zoe made her way over to us pointing down at the gates to the left of the field, there stood Luca."

I had never seen him up close and personal but after studying dads files and that file that Reagan had given to me I knew all to well what he looked like at this point. He was standing with about ten of his men with an air of indifference but it didn't take a genius to know that he wasn't as comfortable about the situation as he let on.

After he was surround by some of the most important families in this City and all of them worked for my parents.

Dad must have spotted him at the same time as we did because he stood a little straighter as he looked over at Luca's direction. His hand was rested on the back of Levi's neck who seemed to have noticed what had caught our dads attention as well.

With one word to my brother Levi started to make his way up the steps towards us. The rest of the boys following his lead. Dad was left down in front of the bleachers on his own in a wide open area. I went to move to be beside him but mom's grip stopped me in my tracks.

"Just watch." Whispered mom, the corner of her lips tipped upwards in amusement.

"But dads by himself." There wasn't any panic in my voice as I spoke because I knew it wasn't true. So long as mom was by dads side he would never be alone down there.

"Your dad is never alone." There was something deeper in the words that she had spoken than she had first let on.

Frowning I started to think about her words and then slowly without drawing to much attention I started to look around the field. Above the bleachers where there was a cover against the elements I seen a reflection. After a few more seconds I came to realise what it was.

A gun.

Someone was on the roof with a gun and they weren't the only one but that wasn't the most shocking thing.

They weren't our men.

They were wearing F.B.I bulletproof vests.

"Act natural." Moms words rang through my ears as I looked at her. She didn't looked one bit surprised at any of this.

In fact she looked smug. Almost like she had made a move that was about to be impossible for Luca to get out off.

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