Chpt 1: Beginnings

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No one's pov

As Dooku walked through the streets of Alderaan's capital, Aldera, he spotted something. Or more specifically... someone. He watched as a mother carried her child, the father a chiss, the mother a human. He could sense the force practically radiating off of the baby. "Excuse me," he said, walking up to the couple, "yes? how can we help you?" the father asked "hello I am Jedi Master Dooku. I believe your son is force sensitive," Dooku explained "force sensitive? jedi? no no no no no, our son could not possibly be such, neither of us are force sensitive. Besides, how can we believe you?" the mother argued "on my ship I can conduct a midi-chlorian test, and this is my lightsaber," he replied and the two alderaanians glanced at one another. 

They followed the jedi master to his ship and a blood sample was taken. As the machine scanned it questions began to arise, "what happens if he is force sensitive?" the father asked "with your permission, I shall take him to the jedi council. And he will be trained to be a jedi," Dooku explained "what if he's only a weak force sensitive?" the mother asked "it all depends on the midi-chlorian count. If it is below 7 thousand then he shall remain with you, but higher and he will be brought before them," he stated "his name is Y/n Vurawn," the father said and Dooku nodded as the results came back. He looked at them and was surprised, shocked even, "he has a higher midi-chlorian count than anyone in history," Dooku announced, shocked by the results, "what's the number?" the father asked "it goes off the scale. Not even Grandmaster Yoda has higher," he replied. He looked at the shocked parents and gave a soft smile "if we let him go with you... will you promise he will be safe?" the father asked, Dooku nodded, "of course, you have my word. And he shall know who you are," the parents of the boy smiled at those words "will he be able to see us?" the mother asked "in secret, yes. I promise to make sure he does," Dooku said. "May I know when his birthday is? and his age?" he asked as the parents went towards the hatch "the 32nd of Burroughs, and he's six months old," the mother said, Dooku nodded "would you like to say goodbye?" he asked. The mother took her son in her arms and looked into his pure red eyes, the eyes of a chiss, "goodbye, we love you," she whispered as tears fell down her cheeks. 

Dooku arrived back on Coruscant and walked to the council chamber. He entered and the council were annoyed by the intrusion, "Master Dooku, what is the meaning of this interruption?" Windu asked "I believe I have found the chosen one," Dooku replied unveiling the young boy to them "what makes you sure of this fact?" Plo asked "I am not, I only have the fact he has a higher midi-chlorian count than anyone in history," he said and they all glanced at one another. Yoda was the next one to speak, "trained he shall be, his name is?" "Y/n Vurawn," "bring him to his clan you shall," Dooku nodded and left the room.

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