=33 - Cult explanation=

Start from the beginning

"Oh CQ..." Asy worriedly said, pulling CQ close to himself and held her tight. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that... And Error too..." Asy whispered softly while Comyet just gasped softly in horror, covering her mouth as well. "My stars..." Comyet whispered. "That's... That's awful... This town is fucked up." Comyet whispered in surprise before moving and hugging CQ.

"I'm so sorry you and Error had to go through that CQ, I really am..." Comyet said softly. "I'm sorry too, for not even being able to protect you... If I could've just..." Asy then silently cursed to himself. "If I just managed to legally get you a ticket in time, I could've taken you with me abroad..." Asy whispered softly, hugging CQ close. 

CQ teared up at that and buried her face into Asy's clothing. She clung onto the skeleton. "'m sorry..." She mumbled in the clothes.

"It's okay..." Asy whispered softly and held CQ close, Comyet just hugging her close as well. "It's not your fault, it's the cult's fault." Comyet whispered softly. "Don't worry... We'll protect you and your kids, CQ." Comyet said softly.

CQ sniffed slightly. "But if I- If I hadn't I always ran away and heard at that small voice in my head when I was younger this all probably would have never happened..." She whimpered, looking up. "And what will you even do against them? No one can do anything against them..."

"You'd be surprised hun... If they ever try to target you again, we're ready." Asy whispered softly, kissing CQ's forehead. "Asy's right, we'll be able to protect you, trust us." Comyet smiled gently at CQ.

CQ looked at Comyet and Asy. "...Uhm... Okay..." She mumbled. The woman cuddled onto Asy. Her eyes looking somewhere into the deep, deep VOID.

"We'll protect you for as long as you need us to, CQ." Asy whispered softly and then kissed CQ's forehead. CQ looked up at Asy and nodded then, cuddling still onto him. "Okay, Asy..." She answered quietly.

Asy then sighed softly and held CQ more. "Don't worry hun, I'll never break the promise I made." Asy whispered softly, kissing CQ on her hair while Comyet then pulled away, smiling gently at the two.

A small smile spreads on CQ's face. She then nodded once again, looking up at Asy. "So... Really not?" She asked carefully.

"Never." Asy said softly, smiling gently down at CQ. "A promise is a promise hun." Asy softly said. "Right... promises never get broken, right?" The woman asked and blinked lightly in thought.

"Some promises can... It just depends on the promise you say you would keep." Asy said softly. CQ looked at Asy and nodded once again. "Okay." She hummed and closed her eyes slightly, as she leaned her head on Asy.

↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺

Dr. Maraya gave an approving nod. "Good job, I'm gonna bring your SOUL out for a short while, okay?" The doctor warned. Geno blinked and looked up, before nodding. "Okay!" He cheered and waited excitedly.

Dr. Maraya then carefully brought the fleshy magic organ out and then puts on a pair of specialized stethoscope and carefully encased the SOUL in some type of bubble, it then carefully doing a full scan on the SOUL.

Geno just looked interested at Dr. Maraya, singing quietly a tune to himself in his boredom. 

Soon enough, Dr. Maraya got an analysis and she then quickly sets the equipment down. "Alright, I got an analysis, it'll take a few days, maximum of a week until we get the results as we'll have to do some matching and tests, we'll call you once we get it." The doctor spoke, standing up and glancing at CQ.

CQ nodded lightly in understanding, while Geno jumped up and hugged his mother. "Alright... Is there a certain date I should come back with Geno?" The woman asked.

"Unfortunately not, again, we'll just call you once we get the results. May we have your number, just for this occasion?" Dr. Maraya said softly and Asy blinked. "Oh uh, here, you can have my number instead." Asy then gave Dr. Maraya a card, who nodded with a small smile. "Thank you sir."

CQ tilted slightly her head and nodded. She then carried her first born up into her arm, who nuzzled happily onto him. She then looked to Asy.

Asy then glanced at CQ, then back at the Dr. "That is all, I presume?" Asy asked and Dr. Maraya nodded with a small smile. "Thank you for having us." Asy smiled gently. "It's a pleasure." Dr. Maraya hummed and Asy then carefully led CQ out.

╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯

* And done! Geno got his check up so he'll last longer now! :D

* Whoop whoop for Geno uwu

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