=2 - The Ritual=

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╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

"Wat?" Fresh was confused now, what the heccles is a cult? Meanwhile, Error felt his marrow run cold at that information and cling even more to CQ.

He has heard of this cult during his history classes, as they were forced to learn it early in case they were chosen for the cult, even though it wasn't really directly said, stating that the cult were just 'rumors'... That teacher lied.

CQ rubbed Error's head slightly, while Liebemann laughed again his weird, smooth laugh. "Ah yes, this reaction is normal. But you know what will happen if he doesn't donate, hm?" The man grinned slightly. Geno blinked in confusion and looked up at his mother. "But- he's a child-" CQ said, while the man just shrugged. "Madam, I really don't care."

Error then looked up at CQ and then glanced at Liebemann. "I- I don't f-fink I wanna..." Error nervously voiced out, hugging CQ more. No no, it's got to be a lie, it has to be! He doesn't even have that many possessions, they're literally poor by society's standards!

Don't ask how a second grader knows that.

Mr. Liebemann hummed slightly. "But you don't have a choice!" He said, before laughing. "Either that or you all die! It's that easy!" Geno grabbed a bit onto Fresh, after hearing that, looking up at the man, who grinned lightly at them. The child coughed a bit, while CQ stared in horror at Liebemann.

Fresh then frowned at that and then hugged Geno back, glancing at Error with an unreadable emotion, who seems to be shaking a bit as he doesn't even know of what to in this situation. He's just a kid for fucks' sake! "O-Okay..." How could he refuse though? He doesn't want his family to die just because of his own selfishness...

Mr. Liebemann smiled and clapped into his hands. "Splendid! Now you just need an offer!" He said in a way too cheerful tone.

Error then blinked a bit. "I... I don't have m-much though." Error was trying his damndest to not stutter, but ended up doing so anywyas. Fresh then glanced up at Geno. "What do we do brah?" Fresh whispered.

Error just clung to CQ. He doesn't even have much to sacrifice really. Well, he doesn't know if he has anything worthy to sacrifice. Maybe... His scarf would also work???

Geno shook his head. "I- I don't know-" He whispered back. "I don't even know what's happening-" The child seemed scared as he looked at Liebemann.

Liebemann waved his hand impatiently. "Everything works, really. Don't be slow kid, we have only like until 3 am, so get your things done and come with us."

Error then carefully nodded, glancing up at his mother before hugging her nervously. He then moved towards his brothers and hugged Geno, then suddenly, hugged Fresh as well. Must be serious as hell if Error would hug Fresh. After that, Error then quickly rushed towards his room to get his scarf, a scarf that was really given as a late birthday gift a few years ago. Not that Error has a choice anymore really.

Geno looked fearful after Error, looking in confusion up at his mother. Liebemann hummed slightly a happy tune, while waiting for the glitched child to come back.

Eventually though, Error then came back, scarf wrapped around his neck. "I-I'm ready..." He nervously spoke. He doesn't know how they're pretty much gonna prepare him hin six hours, and frankly, he's nervous as fuck.

Liebemann nodded. "Good, good. Say good bye to your family, you will see them soon again... maybe." The man said, looking impatiently around.

Error gulped a bot, turning towards CQ in worry, before moving over and hugging CQ tightly. "G'bye mama..." Error muttered before walking towards Geno and Fresh, hugging them both. "G'bye..." before the family could hug back though, he quickly rushed to Liebemann, he didn't want them to worry for him after all. He can do this... Maybe.

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