=21 - A Familiar Guest=

747 51 28

* Trigger Warning for mentions of abuse

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

CQ looked at her phone, feeling a feeling of anxiousness and fear rise in her. She quickly shook it off, pressing the call button to call Comyet.

"Yes?" Comyet answered, the sound of writing was heard in the background if you strain your hearing hard enough. "Something wrong, CQ?" Comyet asked, a bit concerned like usual for her friend.

,,Uhm..." CQ closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, trying to shake of her nervousness. ,,I- I thought about your... offer? I don't know what to call it-" She began, still nervous.

"You can just keep calling it as an offer, CQ." Comyet chuckled softly, hoping that it would ease her friend's nervousness a bit. "But what about it?" Comyet sounded curious, and rightfully so, since it concerns her.

The pink haired woman coughed awkwardly. ,,Yeahhh, that. I thought and I- I came to the decision that I- that I-" The woman cursed slightly under her breath hating it how she couldn't form a proper sentence. This was Comyet she was talking to! She could trust her! ... But the same did she think with Liam. ,,I thought- That I will... take it..." She mumbled finally out, fiddling with her fingers, anxiously waiting for a reaction or a twist or something like that.

Comyet waited patiently, humming when CQ finally spoke about it. "Are you sure CQ? It's not that I'm not happy, I'm actually ecstatic you agreed! But I don't want you to feel forced to accept this after all, you're my friend, your happiness is just as important here." Comyet hummed lightly.

CQ nodded, before remembering that Comyet couldn't see her. ,,Uhm- Yeah- I am..." The woman said.

Comyet then smiled at that. "Alrighty then, I'll come by tomorrow or later to give you the contract for the job to officially sign you in as my assistant, also to give you the papers on what to expect in the future so you can ready yourself." Comyet hummed lightly. "This means so much to me CQ, thank you for agreeing!" Comyet sounded really happy over the phone.

CQ was a bit embarrassed at that. ,,Uhm... Okay...?" She said, not knowing how to react to that.

"See you tomorrow or tonight then! I'm currently finishing something right now." Comyet couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Have you also quitted your job yet, CQ?" Comyet currently asked.

,,Uhhhh... no. I- I still need to do that." CQ answered and laughed sheepishly. ,,Uhhh... I wanted to do that at the end. Like, really, when absolutely necessary." Ah yes, fear.

Comyet hummed lightly. "Well, again, if Liam goes off on you for quitting, don't be afraid to tell me, alright?" Comyet spoke softly. "Remember CQ, I'm on your side..."

,,Uh-uhm... Yeah..." CQ answered and smile shackingly at that, even if Comyet couldn't see it. ,,Thanks..."

"No problem CQ." Comyet chuckled softly. "I'll end the call now. Bye bestie~!" Comyet chirped before she quickly ended it, a huge smile on her face. Success! She'll finally be able to get CQ away from that wretched boss!

CQ blinked and stared at her phone in confusion. What did Comyet just call her...? Nevermind. She couldn't think about it, one of the cats was hissing at something and she hoped it wasn't because Geno was excited once again and accidentally tripped over a cat. Again.

"Mama, what happened with the call?" Error curiously asked as he peeked in, he really tried not to peek in, he really did!

CQ flinched at Error's voice in shock and almost lost the phone, before she quickly calmed down. She stared at Error. ,,Uhhh... Hi, hun." She said and blinked. Then the woman said. ,,Mama and Aunt Comyet just talked about something- Maybe- Maybe I will have more... more time for you then-" She said then, trying to overplay her nervousness.

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