=3 - New Friend=

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* Disclaimer, we only use google translate for French, Me and Mondi doesn't know jack shit about Frenching XDD

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

It's been three days now ever since the night of the sacrifice and Error's been a bit restless ever since he lost his comfort items, more nervous and more easily prone to anger and destruction. Currently though, it was Friday, the last day of the school week. Error was getting himself ready for school. "Ma I'm ready." Error spoke as he then picks up his bag, glancing at his brothers.

CQ looked up at Error and smiled at her son. "That's good, Error." She hummed, looking at Geno and Fresh. "See you, Error!" Geno cheered, before coughing slightly. Because CQ drove directly to work, after she brought Error to school, she needed to let Geno and Fresh stay home. This also meant, that Error needed to walk home alone. "You two, be good, yeah?" The woman hummed, making Geno nod. "Of course, Ma!" The child said. "Food is in the kitchen." The woman hummed then, before holding her hand to Error. 

Error then held CQ's hand amd then waved at his siblings. Fresh just waving back as Error then left.

Once in the car, Error got on the front seat, fidgeting nervously as he remembered last night. He couldn't shake off the feeling of somebody watching him really... But then again, he heard from a classmate that usually, people who meets the being themselves lose their... Marbles?? He doesn't really know how people loose toys. But he doesn't really know if he should be glad that he doesn't have marbles. Mama says that toys are expensive after all, so they don't even have much.

CQ smiled lightly at Error and rubbed his head. "Are you feeling okay?" She asked, as she started the car and began to drive to Error's school.

"Mhmm..." He was not allowed to talk about what happened after all. "I just... Was thinking about... About last night..." Error mumbled softly.

CQ sighed lightly, looking at the street. "Aw, Baby, I am sorry about that... I wish you never would have had to experience that..." The woman said.

Error slowly nodded, he thought about something for a moment before glancing up at his mother. "Ma... Were you... Also taught about the... Cult... When you were young...?" Error softly asked.

CQ was quiet for a while, before nodding. "Yes... Every student was taught about it. Except in... families, that didn't have enough money to afford for school. These children were just left in the dark... And so it happened, that many people now think that the cult is just a rumor."

"Is... Is that why Gen Gen and Fresh never knew...?" Error softly asked, nervously fidgeting with the straps of his back before pushing his turtleneck up, feeling naked without his scarf really.

The woman nodded, as she stopped her car by Error's school. "Yes..." She said, and rubbed Error's head again. "Geno and Fresh probably both still don't understand what was going on... Error? It's better if you don't mention what happened yesterday. To nobody... alright?"

Error blinked and slowly nodded. "Okay mama..." Error muttered, leaning against the rubs a bit before glancing at the school outside. He doesn't wanna go to school... He then carefully got out of the car and then waved goodbye at his mother. "Bye mama... Love you!"

CQ smiled and waved at Error. "Goodbye, Ruru! Stay safe, yeah?" The woman tilted her head a bit. "I love you too, very much."

Error than gave a smile at CQ before turning to the school, gulping a bit before entering. Ah, school. He really hates it with it's smelly odors and mean bullies... And just social interaction in general. Especially those that try to touch him whenever his glitches gets worse time to time. He then went to his class.

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