=19 - Job details=

691 51 21

* 4th update? :0

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

CQ was currently sitting on the couch, a cat walking purring besides her and cuddled onto her, when the door bell rang. The woman stood slowly up and opened the door, hoping that it would be Comyet and not - I dunno - some weird cultist wanting to kidnap her son. Again.

Once the door was opened, Comyet was standing there, looking at clear envelope that has a lot of papers inside before looking up and smiling gently. "Hey CQ, I brought Ink again if you don't mind." Comyet hummed lightly. "I'd rather not have my child be alone, y'know." Comyet hummed.

There's also another reason but she doesn't need to elaborate on that. "I brought the papers by the way!" Conyet chirped, waving the clear envelope that has the papers on it.

CQ looked at the folder and blinked. "That are... many papers." She said and stepped aside, still confused blinking, to let Comyet and Ink inside. Apparantly she never had seen that many papers in one place. Which was... pretty much a red flag about her current job too.

"Oh no, the others are for my job, it's only just two papers actually." Comyet smiled gently and entered with Ink. "Allez chercher Erreur, d'accord? Maman et CQ doivent parler." Comyet rubbed Ink's skull.

(Go get Error, okay? Mom and CQ need to talk.)

"D'accord!" Ink cheered and ran further into thr house searching for his friend. CQ looked at Comyet and slowly closed the door.

"Is there any place where you can read this in peace? Or do you wanna read it here in the living room? I don't mind either." Comyet hummed, walking towards CQ.

"I guess... I can read it in my room... But in the living room is nobody at the moment, so I guess it could work too..." CQ mumbled, scratching the back of her head.

"Well, which one are you more comfortable with?" Comyet asked, opening the see through envelope and then began to file through it before pulling out a stabled pair of papers.

"Uhm... Living room." CQ answered and walked to the living room, seemingly a little bit nervous.

"Alright." Comyet then followed after CQ before sitting down besides her. "Here you go then." Comyet hummed as she handed CQ the papers.

CQ took carefully the papers and looked a bit skeptical at Comyet, before reading the papers in quite a quick pace.

In the papers, it was really basic, just telling CQ that she will be working with the Stardust Fashions, aka one of the most famous fashion brands around. Explains why Comyet's fashion was so good.

The details of the job says that CQ would be working at home and will be given a computer to be able to do files and stuff. CQ would also be Comyet's assistant and help Comyet with ideas and such.

There will also be times where CQ has to work together with Comyet when it comes to making the outfits, but it seems to be when Comyet absolutely needs it.

Overall, it seems to give CQ a lot of free time... Wait- does it state that CQ has a chance to live with Comyet? Basically living in a better home? Damn. "The home thing is your choice, I don't mind if you don't want to, it'd just be easier for you since we're technically gonna be partners in the end.

"Uhm..." CQ blinked overwhelmed, that was a lot. "That's- I-" The woman looked at Comyet, then at the papers once again. Her face spoke about the disbelief she was still feeling. "I am-" She began, but didn't end the sentence.

"I know this is all sudden, which is why you have as much time as you need to think over it." Comyet began, carefully placing a hand on CQ's shoulder. "I genuinely want to help you CQ... I really do..." Comyet spoke softly.

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