The Sun And The Moon

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He was the sun.
His smile could light the whole world,
His touch was a burning passion.
The roar of his laughter
Boomed everywhere
A hunger for love, for life

He was everything.

But her.

She was my moon and stars.
Her shadows were a calm pool of black ink
The infinity of space, contained in her eyes.
Being with her, was experiencing peace.
Peace and quiet
Her cool fingers caressed my soul,
Cilling my entire body in a light touch
She was the thousands diamonds
Embedded in the midnight sky.
As mysterious as the dark side of the moon,
Her sweet chuckle and humm
Echoed in my heart
A song of love shared

I was never made for the blinding light of a golden man.
My solace was the soft embrace of the woman lit by the moonlight.

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