Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Maybe not everything. But I will be there with you so no worries."


"He didn't tell you?"

"No, so why don't you just fill me in." Why would he be there? Did Daniel invite him? Why?

"Daniel thought it best that you have someone there who cares about you. He wants you to feel comfortable."

"Okay, so why invite you?"

"Okay so, to be more specific, we are to be wed, and he wants us to grow closer."

"I am with Alex! That will not be happening. So. you can just forget about this whole thing."

What was I? A prized pig at a county fair? Everyone felt so entitled to my life and I have had just about enough of it. What I should do, how I should be or act, what I should do with my magic. There was not anything in my life that seemed like I had any control over. Absolutely tired of it, I marched to the door and slung it open.

"Just what do you think you are doing!? I am not going to marry Raphael!"

"I think you should give it some more thought. I know you are not a child any longer. I really just want the best for you."

"So, deciding my life for me is what? Your way of showing you care!?"

He looked like a wounded animal. "I don't want to control you. I want you to be happy. The Vortigen family is not to be trifled with. You don't even understand why they are so dangerous!"

"Oh? Then by all means, come on in and explain it to me." I motioned for him to come in.

"You are aware that they were the ruling family of both sides for centuries until Dorian came and knocked them down a size. There is a prophecy."

"Yeah, yeah. Dorian is the antichrist, and I am the devil spawn or grandchild spawn."

"No, there is a prophecy of a child born to the king of nightwalkers and Queen of witches."

"Wait a minute...Vampires and witches can procreate? I thought that Vampires could only procreate with one another."

"No, who told you that?"

"Vee did."

"See, that is what I keep telling you. You cannot trust that succubus!"

"Okay, so this prophecy is about me and....Alex?"

"The reason the covens had the law that forbade relationships of our kind with nightwalkers, isn't just because of our kind being slaves to them at one time."

"Everyone is scared that I will have a child with him and what? I am Sixteen for Christ sake."

"This child is supposed to wield all the strength of a nightwalker, along with all the power of two powerful ancient witch families one of light descent and one of dark. We do not know what is to come but the prophecy of this witch nightwalker hybrid is the one you heard about. She will have the power to either unify all of us or destroy both of our kind."

"That doesn't make sense. Most of the Gratu family has had nothing but male heirs. I am the exception. Most of the Duncan family has had nothing but women. That is where I came from. The Vortigens have had nothing but male heirs. I am not understanding the connection. Who is to say that if I ever have a child, even with Alex, that I would have a girl? What are the chances of that being accurate?"

"The chances in a normal situation would be fifty/fifty. This is no normal or ordinary situation. It was foreseen by me on the night of your birth. You cannot be with him. This prophecy can't come to pass."

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