"Welcome to class Ms. Duncan. Take your seat. Alex is out today, so you will have to pair with Raphael." How many names did I have? Some people say Duncan, and others say Gratu. What was my actual name?

I looked over to Raphael and saw him smile wide as he got up and sat in Alex's seat. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to my chair and sat down. Great, as if my life could not get any more complicated.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. He had been a complete jerk since she met him. Why would he be happy right now?

"Well, because I get to be your partner." He said with the goofiest grin I had ever seen. Disgusting. Now he had more opportunity to torment me.

I looked at him intently trying to decide what angle he was playing at. Why was he being so weird. Yesterday, he hated me, today he is happy to be my partner, even if for only one day. As the day went on and still no Alex, I realized I had not thought of anything else. All day I was lost in thought thinking about Alex. I had no idea what happened in any of my classes.

As I was walking out of school, I heard someone yell, 'Homewrecker!'

I turned to see Lorraine and her group of followers. How am I going to deal with this girl? She really had it in for me, even before Alex broke up with her. Since I got here Lorraine instantly hated me. I couldn't really blame her. If I were in her shoes, I would hate me too.

"Green really isn't your color, lowlife Lorraine." I stated as I remembered what Ms. Varlie said the day before.

Everyone laughed, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in saying that aloud. She puckered her lips out and turned walking away. Finally, she had nothing else to say. I knew she would have more to say Monday but for now I won the battle. I wondered how many more battles there would be before the war.

The day went on and I could not get Alex out of my mind. Why wasn't he at school today? Was it because of me? Before I knew it the entire night had went by.

Making it home I threw myself on the couch and turned on the tv. Finally, I had some peace and I felt myself feeling drained again of energy. Just as I was drifting off to sleep a knock came to the door. I ran to the door thinking it had to be Alex. I was disappointed to find Raphael standing in front of me.

"What do you want?"

"I...um...I wanted to talk to you."

"Okay, so talk."

"Could I come in? It won't take long, I swear it."

Stepping aside I motioned for him to come in. What could he possibly have to say to me? This entire thing was all so weird to me. First, he hates me, and now he has things to talk to me about. He walked over and sat on the couch as I followed. I sat next to him as he stared intently into my eyes. I saw a glimmer in his eyes that made me feel strangely comfortable.

"Well...what is it?"

"I wondered if I could show you something. There are so many things to discuss. I have waited an exceedingly long time for this moment." Was he going to propose marriage? I thought as I laughed to myself.

"Okay...you aren't being weird at all. What is it?"

"I want to explain our past. I actually want to show you what really happened. I know I am the last person you would want to talk about this with, but I have to."

"I already know what happened, I have had a dream about it every year on my birthday for as long as I can remember."

"From your point of view, you know only what your eyes have seen. You don't know anything from what I have seen."

A Reincarnated Curse: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now