💝Sonilver, Don't cry maple.💝

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It had been days since I last talked to Silver, despite our close relationship. I knew he had a house not too far from mine, which he wasn't often home at but it was worth a try. He often stayed there for visits, especially when we planned spending time together. I stepped up the little path to the door, knocking on the wood of it as I waited patiently. I could tell he was no doubt home, due to our little language. Anytime he was there, he'd place a plush on the windowsill. It always faced the doorway, staring at me as if expecting me.

The wait grew long, a bit of worry growing in my gut. I held the bag I had for him tight in one hand, as I rummaged through my pocket with the other. I pulled out my keys, unlocking his door with a spare one as I pushed it open. I stepped inside carefully, setting the bag on the coffee table. "Maple boy?" I called, scanning around his house for any trace of him. I went up his stairs, stopping before his bedroom door. I recognized those whimpers all too well, bracing myself to be a decent boyfriend.

I opened the door to a white fluffy aesthetic room. Looking to the bed to see a lump in the sheets surrounded by various plushies he's collected or I gifted him over the years. "Silly?" I called out calmly, slowly closing the door behind me. He let out a hum, acknowledging me at least. I scooted some of the plushies from his side, taking a seat next to him. He was completely covered, his top quills barely even visible. "Silver dear, what's wrong?" I asked, placing a hand where his arm was. "You won't get it." he whined, his voice croaked and muffled. "I don't have to get it to listen, Silv." I rubbed my hand up and down his arm, watching him slightly shift. It was silent for quite some time, guilt overcoming me. I laid my head on the side of his body, using my arms as an extra cushion. "Sonic..." He finally muttered, my ears perking at the sound of his voice amongst the hours of silence. "Yes maple?" I waited for him to continue, for once being patient. "Am I what you would consider... Weak?" he asked, scrunching up his body. "God no, you're anything but. You kicked my ass when we first met! You're definitely someone to stay on the good side of." I responded. I sat up feeling him start to move, sitting up with me. The blanket fell down as he looked to face me, his muzzle soaked from clear past tears. His amber eyes threatened to spill more. "But I'm so naive... I wasn't meant to do stuff like this. All the pressure I withstand, people just seem to forget I'm just a kid! I mean I'm 14 Sonic! And yet my life feels like I'm 30! No matter how hard I try I end up messing something up! I wanna be useful and worth something... But lately I've been nothing but a pain." his voice was brittle, slow tears rolling down his muzzle as his lip quivered.

"Universe after universe. Dimension after Dimension. I practically slave away and for what? To be told I'm disliked because of one damn mistake?! To be told everyone's better than me?! Blaze gets so much more than me as if it wasn't the same mistake! I think I've even seen Big more than me anymore. Is that what I've worked so hard for? To be some side character people shove down as If... I'm not trying anything..." his amber eyes glistened from his tears, becoming more difficult to understand through his sobs. It pained my heart hearing him talk in such a way. Silver has always been optimistic... But he's also a realist. I knew what he meant, everything he referenced. I pulled him into a hug, feeling his arms wrap tightly around my body. I ran one hand through his long quills, while the other rubbed his back. "Silver... I'm sorry this is how it came to be, but none of it matters." I spoke, watching him move just enough to face me. "but it does." he argued. "no Silver, it doesn't. In the end you still have a heart of gold. You're still the precious little maple boy I love. You are Silver, one of the best hedgehogs I know. And I'm proud to know you. It's the way for everyone else, because we all love you." I spoke softly, lifting my hands to cup his muzzle. "I'm even happier, to say you're all mine." I pulled him into a quick kiss, smiling feeling his mouth curve upwards.

I pressed our foreheads together, watching him start to giggle. "Now you better stop that crying, you're ruining your beautiful face." I Eskimo kissed him, smiling as it giggled with joy. He was the cutest thing I swear. "Alright alright, just for you." He smiled, putting his hands over mine. "C'mon, I brought you some marshmallows, a new plushie, and even some dorky weeb shit you love so much." I booped his nose, watching his eyes light up with joy. He quickly got up, zooming down the stairs. I couldn't help but laugh, getting up from the bed myself. "C'mon Sonic I wanna see it all! Hurry up! Fastest thing on earth keeping me waiting is sad, you know!" He called from down stairs. "I'm coming, I'm coming! Pfft you cotton ball." I chuckled, closing his bedroom door behind me.

I would be lying if I didn't say I absolutely love this man.

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