She smiled keeping her voice low and raspy. "Would you like to take a bath in here, so the girls don't bother you?".

She added the last part biting her lip. I nodded and rose from my spot next to her.

Standing in front of her bathroom door I fixated on her body. She was too perfect to even be real.

She stared at me as I quickly averted my gaze to her tub. I entered turning on the water.

I stripped waiting, suddenly the door opened. I frantically covered my body, Cordelia stood with her eyes closed.

"I'm sorry I just brought you clothes" She pushed them on the shelf beside her and slipped back out.

I finally climbed into the water happy I could get away from Madison for a little.

The time flew by and I grabbed the clothes. They were mine, Oh my God she looked in my drawers.

I hoped she didn't find my lingerie, I hadn't even worn it it was a gift.

I got dressed and walked out meeting a yawning Cordelia. She wasn't in her normal clothes, she was in her nightgown from last night.

Without looking at me she spoke, "We don't have class today I canceled it, the girls are getting ready for an outing".

Well there goes my plans

I began my way to the door, her head turned up. She raised a brow, "I'll just go to my room, thank you for letting me stay".

There was an awkward silence, "Wait". My hand came off the doorknob so she could continue.

"You don't have to leave, I don't want you to be alone" she set down the papers she had been writing on.

I stood nervously looking up. "Y/n, come sit" she spoke so sweetly.

I slowly came back sitting on the bed. She grabbed my arm immediately making me wince.

I knew she saw the scars because her fingers avoided them.

My heart began to beat faster, normally I wore long sleeves. But she had given me a short sleeve shirt and last night was too hot.

"Where did you get these, I never noticed them" I had forgotten them myself until now.

Feeling the familiar ache tears started to run down my cheeks. She rubbed her thumb over my arm.

"Oh sweetheart, some of these are new" I pulled my arm away choking on a sob.

Before I could exit she embraced me, I just fell into her hug. "You worry me, I mean you're always alone and so quiet" her hand soothed my back while she rambled on.

I took in a sharp breath letting out an incoherent whimper, "I'm sorry".

I tried my best to speak up. "I'm sorry, please don't be mad, are you mad?", I tried to get a good reaction. Hopefully she wouldn't bring this up later to guilt trip me.

She pulled away gripping my shoulders. "No honey, no, Why would you do this?", there was real genuine care in her voice.

Her hands returned to my forearm while her eyes searched for an answer.

"I-I have nobody, everyone wants me gone". I could tell she was holding back tears and it made me feel horrible.

"I don't want that sweetheart", I wiped my nose smiling at her. "Really?". "You're the sweetest girl here" her palm held my head.

Sniffling I realized how close we were. Just when I was about to speak Cordelia leaned in closing the gap. I gasped against her.

The tears had stopped and I stared at her. Her top lip covered the bottom one, "I don't want you to be alone, stay again with me tonight".

My heart warmed at the thought. This could not be real.

I kissed her again, she tasted so sweet. Her tongue fought its way into my mouth, clearly she wanted this for a long time.

I broke contact, "Let me go grab my things". She nodded. I rushed out the room to mine.

One the way I bumped into Madison, she seemed for some reason giggly. I ignored it pushing past her, the girls were watching something. Watching me.

I quickly got into my room grabbing the few things I wanted. Zoe sunk up behind me.

What is with everybody today?

"So Madison says she saw you and Cordelia this morning" my eyes widened.

"Huh?" She chuckled. "Asleep in her bed, naked" I turned frozen.

"We weren't naked" she shrugged nonchalantly waving bye. My face became hot.

Immediately I ran back to Cordelias room slamming the door. "Ms. Goode". She tilted her head I knew why. "Cordelia" I corrected.

"Hm?" I held my breath. "Everyone thinks we slept together".

She grinned, "we did". I knew she was joking, I was surprised she wasn't as worried as I was.

"I'm serious" she laughed standing to drag me in. "Maybe we should". I couldn't believe this.

Before I could even respond she placed her plump lips on my neck. Finding my pulse point she began creating a hickey.

Moaning into her she whispered, "I found your sweet spot little girl". Slamming my head back on the wall I let a loud whimper.

Her hand gently covered my mouth muffling the noise. A sudden knock interrupted us.

Cordelia huffed straighten her nightgown. Her swollen lips tugged at the ends forming a fake smile.

Opening the door I heard Madison. They talked for a moment before my name was said.

"So where's Y/n" I hid myself further. Cordelia dropped her face to a frown, "I'm not sure".

"Well I saw her in here this morning, so I figured she'd be here" Cordelia shook her head and shut the door.

I laughed, "I told you". She squinted at me then roughly attacked my throat with her lips.

I was shut up letting my fingers run through her hair.

Word Count: 1530

Xoxo 💜💜 SssarahPaulson

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