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to start this off id like to say, thank you for 1k reads. and also i have decided to go by nix(pronounces like nicks) or nick(it has nothing to do with heartstopper it just makes me feel comfortable)

anyways ive been having trouble finding things to write so take some headcanons for now!

-tao had a Bo Burnham phase

-nick makes bad and cheesy edits of him and charlie (and he honestly has no idea what hes doing)

-darcy will always make food for tara and take care of her while shes sick
(i can see all them doing that for each other but specifcally darcy)

-nick will 'force' charlie to sit through every avenger(sry if i spelled that wrong) movie and they have watched them multiple times

-when charlie was in the hopsital nick made a playlist of songs that reminded him of charlie

-elle has a bracelet/earring shop on etsy and tara and darcy love to help her with the orders(tao is obviously her biggest costumer)

-aled is a avid cosplayer (had to through that in there)

-tara and darcy go on way to many rollerblading dates

-nick and charlie went as mj and spiderman for halloween one year

-taos a kpop stan
enjoy,stay safe luv u,-nix<3

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