Take out

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Twices PoV*

I have a VERY important tast. Not really. I am supposed to get food for everyone. I have a heightened immunity to more or less everything so I was elected or told to go get food.

Toga wants licorice and a whopper from burger King. Dab man wants Chinese. And bugles. Compress wants sushi, of course. Magne wants chicken kebobs. Kurogiri wants what Shigiraki wants, Shiggy wants flaming hot cheetos, two mcdoubles, a large chocolate shake and cookies. And Spinner asks for pizza. Eri wants ice cream, naturally.

I may have a few problems. All the problems. Not much of that's actually take out. And it's not even all from from the same side of town. And I'm broke. Yeah. And I'm broke.

So, first. Money. I just may have an idea. I'm incompetent! Yeah! Ouch.

I walk to one of the busier areas of town,the market. For a country full of people who are supposed to be social distancing, there's a lot of close encounters occurring.

Prefect. This won't end well. Yes it will.

I look for my target. I'll need a lot of money for this. I see a tired mother, distracted by two kids fighting over a toy.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I believe I can be of assistance. Gimme your money" I say. The lady shrieks so I quickly explain my intentions.

She walks away with two toys, content kids, and I walk away with 600 yen. That's a little less then 5 USD if you didn't know. I have no clue why I translated that. Anyway. Moving on.

Sometime around 17:00,I finally had enough money. Now, how do I keep it all warm or cold respectively and get back?

Togas PoV*

~3 hours later~

I'm sitting at the bar listening half heartedly to Kurogiri explain the technique to a Virgin bloody marry.

Twice suddenly burst through the door holding various colorful bags. His hair is sticking through where a hope was burnt through his mask.

He's limping heavily and collapses just through the doorway. I rush over to him and Kurogiri h3lps me get him to his feet.

Twices PoV again*

I wake up to see concerned faces surrounding me, plus Dabi and Kurogiri.

"I brought the food." I say weakly with a smile. Dabi of all was the one to laugh.

"Twice, you moron. Its 10:30 at night. We ate lunch already. And dinner." He laughs. I can't help my lower lip whimpering. And so we end up all eating together.

Everyone stands at the bar and I pass out the food. Everyone except kurogiri seems really happy too! Then I realized....

"I forgot my food! No I didn't!" And I sit back, frustrated. Then a pile of cheetos appears. And a little dish of takeout. And a mcdouble. And some licorice. The pile grows and I realize my friends all shared their meals.

"I hate you guys. I didn't mean that!" I say with a smile, tears in my eyes. Magne and Spinner hug me.

"We know." She says lightly.

Best. Day. Ever. Not.

I didn't mean that either.

I know why they sent me out. I  know the decision was made. And I can see the uneaten bowl of ice cream, melting in the heat of the house.

Goodbye, Eri.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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