❸ the weasleys

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☆○othe weasleys o○☆

The group of four found that running on the debris was proving to be much harder than walking on it. After Fred Weasley tripped for the third time Annika decided it was safe enough to lower the pace to a power walk.

"I hope Ron, Harry, and Hermione are okay," Ginny whispered solemnly remembering the panic as they were separated by the thick trees in the dense forest.

"I'm sure everyone is okay dear. With the mark in the sky the people causing trouble were likely the first ones to leave," Annika responded reaching up to squeeze Ginny's dangling hands around her neck.

"What was that mark?" George asked Annika quietly, afraid of the answer.

Annika sighed deeply, this was a conversation the kids should have with their parents not her. She didn't want to intrude and tell them something their parents wouldn't approve of. After a uncomfortable minute of silence Annika answered, "I will only tell you the basics because I think you deserve to know what has disrupted your night. That mark is the mark of he-who-must-not-be-named. His soldiers would conjure it after performing his deeds. Finding the dark mark looming over your house was the most terrible thing you could come home to. It meant your parents, siblings, friends, spouses, pets... were gone."

There was a beat of silence before Fred choked out another question, "So the person who conjured it was a Death Eater?"

Annika took in a shaky breath, "Yes."

The rest of the journey was quiet as the group individually thought of the mark and what it meant for the future.

It didn't take long before they finally saw other people. Everyone looked disheveled as they came out of the woods and walked through the wreckage searching for their tent and belongings.

"There's the water well! We're close!" Ginny pointed out excitedly. She just hoped Ron was okay, 1. Because he was her brother and she loved and cared for him and more importantly 2. Because she couldn't wait to see his face when he saw her getting a piggyback ride from his hero.

"Good job spotting that honey. Fred, George lead the way please dears." Annika said sweetly letting the twins walk in front of her, not noticing the red-tipped ears and the dreamy looks in their eyes.

It didn't take long to enter the plot the Weasley family had set up camp in. So far all the tents were in tact and Annika hoped that would be the same for the tent of the family.




A voice shouted from the distance. Fred and George took off in the direction of the shouts eager to make sure everyone was okay. Annika kept up without fuss making sure Ginny wasn't bouncing too wildly on her back. As for Ginny, she was enjoying her ride back to her awaiting family. She knew everyone would be okay- they were Weasleys after all.

"DAD! DAD! WE'RE HERE!" Fred and George shouted back picking up the pace when they turned the corner and faced the back of a red-haired older gentleman.

The man turned so quick his legs were almost swept from under him, "Oh thank heavens! Fred, George!" Fred and George collided with their father in a full body hug. Relief filling their faces as they allowed their hearts and breathing to relax.

Annika let Ginny off her back letting her join the group hug.

"Oh Ginny, my sweet girl, my children, I thought I lost you," Mr. Weasley took his time hugging his children letting the panic leave his body.

"Dad! I was about to be squashed by a big tent but then out of nowhere Annika Krum came and saved me!" Ginny told him excitedly pulling back from the hug.

"Of course she did darling" Mr. Weasley responded sadly assuming that Ginny was traumatized by the events and creating delusions. Man finding a wizard therapist would be hard.

"No Dad really, look ask her yourself," George backed Ginny up moving out of the way and allowing his father to see the Bulgarian Team's star chaser, Annika Krum, who waved awkwardly.

Mr. Weasley was in shock. He wasn't a Quidditch fanatic like his kids but he knew a celebrity when he saw one. And Annika Krum was definitely an A-lister.

"Ms. Krum, thank you so much for saving my daughter and bringing my children back safely to me," Mr. Weasley said stepping forward and grasping Annika's hands in a grateful manner.

"Please call me Annika, Mr. Weasley. And your children are amazing they were very brave you and their mother have taught them well." Annika said allowing Mr. Weasley to shake both her hands. The three red-haired children blushed at Annika's praise.

"Please please I'll call you Annika if you call me Arthur," Arthur said smiling thankfully to his new favorite Quidditch player and celebrity, "Now please come in our tent for some water and snacks it's windy out here." Arthur and the three children guided Annika inside the tent despite her protests.

"I should really get back to my team. My brother must be worried sick," Annika protested as the family pushed her towards the entrance of the tent.

"Nonsense you can wait with us until things cool down a little more," Arthur said looking over his shoulder for fear of more Death Eaters.

The inside of the tent was far more luxurious then the outside. A big open space with a built in kitchen, dinning room, living room, and bunk beds for sleeping. Six new people occupied the space all with different expressions of worry, stress, and confusion etched on their faces. Four had bright red hair just like the Weasleys Annika had already met and the other two had different shades of brown.

It only took a second for all the people to stand up simultaneously, turn their heads to the entrance, and stare at Annika.

Annika let her eyes sweep across the group, some older boys and three younger children. Annika's eyes locked with the shortest of the Weasleys. The breath was knocked out of her lungs. In front of her stood a man who looked to be her age with. He was shorter than the other Weasley boys but was built stockier. He had a broad and weather-beaten father, and he had so many freckles he looked almost tanned. His arms were muscular and one of them had a big shiny burn on it that Annika wanted to know about.

Butter her up and call her a Weasley were those church bells in the distance? Annika almost dropped dead at the way his eyes swept down her body and back up again to meet her eyes.

He was gorgeous.

GORGEOUS。・゚゚・ᶜʰᵃʳˡᶦᵉ ʷᵉᵃˢˡᵉʸWhere stories live. Discover now