❷ dark mark

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☆○odark mark o○☆

Annika walked alongside three redheads (who she learned were named: Fred, George, and of course their little sister, Ginny). Annika had given them her name, and they of course knew who she was. They stared at her for what felt like an eternity, just standing there gaping like fish out of water.

The twins, Fred and George couldn't keep their eyes off of her, she was truly more beautiful than the newspapers pictures had ever shown. She was tall and toned from years of Quidditch, her nose was big and straight and she was incredibly hot. Ginny hung onto the star chaser, finding comfort in the soft and warm material of her quidditch jumper.

Ginny looked up to the girl (physically and in the role model way) seeing as Annika was the only woman on the Bulgarian National Team at the moment, not to mention how undeniably cool and smart she was.

"Are you cold sweetheart?" Annika questioned softly, looking down at the now blushing redhead. Her accent was incredibly thick and sharp and English was obviously not her native language but she tried really hard to make herself understood and be gentle with her words. Annika had gained endearment for the young girl that she had saved, she saw her as the younger sister she wished she had. Ginny enjoyed the endearment her idol was giving her, she was definitely going to squeal into her pillow later.

"I-It's a-a bit c-chilly," Ginny answered shyly feeling the penetrating stare of her older siblings. She knew they were jealous seeing as wearing Annika's jumper was a dream for most, and the topic of a Annika x reader somewhere on the internet.

Without hesitation, Annika pulled her (Viktor's) jumper over her head and handed it over to Ginny, leaving her in only a cropped muscle shirt and sports bra- Fred and George were definitely drooling- and maybe Ginny was too.

O-M-G. . . RON WILL GO BALLISTIC, Ginny thought evilly. She had been meaning to get back at him for inviting Harry and not telling her and she had just woken up from a nap and he had seen her in her pajamas. Maybe she could try to sell the hoodie to him for the price of a thousand galleons oh that would be mean, or better get give it to one of her other family members- Ginny could already hear Ron's cries.

"Thank-thank you so much" Ginny said gratefully as she pulled the jumper over her head and let it fall all the way to her knees.

"Haha, no problem iz not mine, you'll have to thank Viktor for that."

... a jumper... worn by both Annika and Viktor Krum... Ginny was wearing a gold mine. Not that she'd actually ever sell it- money was needed to survive but Annika had given this to her and been kind to her so she would keep it.

"We're getting close to where our tent was." Fred said, looking at Annika in hopes she'd tell them what to do. They had walked around on the debris and not come into contact with a single other person- everything was dark and post-apocalyptic.

"Alright, you guys told me some guys with masks were causing destruction in this direction so we need to be extremely careful. We'll keep low to the ground and try to find your tent and the rest of your family. If anything happens I'm going to yell 'fall back' and you two will take Ginny and run into the woods- I'll hold anyone off and then come find you." Annika explained carefully, she didn't know what on earth was going on but she didn't have time to be scared, she needed to take care of three kids and get them back to their family.

The three kids nodded in agreement. As Annika said, they kept close to the ground, and huddle close. Annika held Ginny's hand tightly in her left hand and her wand tightly in her right. They crept through the camp ground slowly and quietly, the only sound- the crunch of leaves beneath their feet and their labored, uneven breaths.

A shrill scream broke the ambiance frightening the group as Annika pulled the kids onto the floor and collapse her body around them the best she could. Looking up into the sky, she saw death- the dark mark.

"What's happening??!"

"What's going on?!!"

All around her Annika heard terror, there was a ringing in her ear, a thudding in her skull. She was scared. She quickly pointed her wand at the sky and nonverbally sent white light shooting up into the sky to dispel the mark from the sky.

Silence, the sky was filled with stars once again and the screams died out.

"We need to go, now" Annika pulled the kids up to their feet, put Ginny on her back and grabbed the hands of Fred and George as she urgently pushed them forward and rushed them to where they said their tent was. This was bad, something bad was happening, she need to get the kids to a safe location.

"Annika, wait, what was that thing?" George panted, hurrying to keep up.

"Something terrible" was all Annika said breaking into a light run. "Tell me if you recognize anything."

GORGEOUS。・゚゚・ᶜʰᵃʳˡᶦᵉ ʷᵉᵃˢˡᵉʸWhere stories live. Discover now