Byler: Graduation Confession

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Pair: Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Show: Stranger Things.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none

Hawkins, Indiana

With the school year now over, and our last summer before college about to begin, I figured I'd let loose.

It was hard to believe that we had graduated. Class of 89' baby.

Finally, We'd be out of here.

Max, Lucas, Dustin, El, Mike, and I. It's time for a new chapter of our lives. Hard to believe how far we've come y'know.

My brother, Jonathan, cried more at my graduation than my mom.

I don't believe this world deserves my brother. I constantly feel terrible for him. He's been so depressed as of late, he finally opened up to mom and I recently and my mom didn't hesitate to get him help.

He stopped doing drugs and was sober during my graduation. Like truly. It was great to have him back. He has been through so much ever since I went missing all those years ago. I am insanely thankful to have him as my brother.

"Y'know" he said to me as Mom took some pictures "I think, you should tell Mike how you feel".

"Now why would I do that" I asked him, while smiling at the camera 

"Well, you're about to go your separate ways. I mean I have no doubt you'll see each other again but still. It might not be for a long time."

"I guess. I'll think about it". I replied.

"I think you should" Jonathan smiled, grabbing the camera from Mom as they switched places to get pictures of me with her.

"What were you two talking about?" My Mom asked. 

"Nothing important" I told her. 

"Okay, now go take pictures with all your friends!" She said, kinda shooing me away.

I laughed and ran over to Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Max, and Eleven.

We took more pictures. As many as we could before splitting off.

"Let's go get Lunch!" Max said.

"Hell yeah, it's time to celebrate!" Lucas exclaimed.

The 6 of us went to a nearby restaurant, nothing too fancy, but nothing too shitty either.

I completely forgot what Jonathan had said. It slipped my mind and I was too busy having a good time to remember.

That was until we were done with lunch.

And it was time to say goodbye.

I am staying in Hawkins till August. Then I'll move to New York to attend NYU.

Max is going back to California.

Lucas is also going to California.

Eleven, well, Jane, is staying in Hawkins until further notice. She is still learning. She isn't ready for college quite yet but she is a fast learner and it won't be long till she's gone on with her life.

Dustin is going to Massachusetts.

I am happy I'd only be a few hours away from Dustin. The 2 of us planned to keep in touch. Well, all 6 of us  did. But I'd be able to visit Dustin frequently. Well as frequently as I could.

And Mike? He hadn't figured out where he's headed yet.

The 6 of us gathered into a group hug. I was crying really hard, so was El, and Dustin, and even Mike and Lucas. We were all crying, except Max.

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