Ronance: Coming out

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Pair: Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler.
Show: Stranger Things
Genre: Angst+Fluff
Warnings: homophobia

(Nancy and Jonathan are not together in this one shot)

Nancy and Robin were paired up for another mission, with Steve being the official "babysitter" and staying behind with the younger kids and Jonathan being no where to be found

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Nancy and Robin were paired up for another mission, with Steve being the official "babysitter" and staying behind with the younger kids and Jonathan being no where to be found. The only option was, once again, Nancy and Robin.

Robin didn't have a problem with it, but felt Nancy still didn't particularly like her.

They were on their way back to the other's. They successfully found what they were looking for. The car was silent, Nancy was driving and Robin was playing with the zipper on her jacket out of anxiety.

"Can you stop that?" Nancy asked.

"Stop what?" Robin replied.

"The zipper. It's annoying," she said, not pulling her eyes from the road ahead.

"Sorry" Robin let go of the zipper and turned to face the window. Not knowing what to do now. She hated being alone with her thoughts.

The silence was extremely awkward and uncomfortable. Especially for Robin. She thought the two were getting closer, that Nancy was finally starting to tolerate her? But maybe she was wrong.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude".

Robin jerked her head from the window. She looked at Nancy for a second with a puzzled look.

"It's okay." Robin replied.

"No. No, It's not." Nancy said, then she pulled the car off to the side of the road, stopping it.

"Why are you pulling over?" Robin asked.

"I want to tell you that I'm sorry. I've been really rude to you ever since we met and I'm really sorry about it". Nancy explained.

"Nancy. It's okay. You don't need to apologize,"

"But I do," she said, looking at Robin. "I've been a total asshole to you, and I'm sorry".

"It's okay," Robin said, with a little laugh. "Really. I don't hold grudges".

Nancy nodded her head and looked down at her lap. Tears forming in her eyes.

"Trust me. You being a little snarky or sassy towards me isn't anything near as bad as what some people say." Robin smiled.

"What do you mean?" Nancy asked. The 2 were facing each other now.

"Well," Robin said, sitting back in her seat and facing forward, away from Nancy.

"People say things," she began. "Even when they don't know you. They hear one rumor and then they start talking. One rumor becomes two. Than two, four, and then, the next thing you know the entire school finds out. But no one knows the whole story, except for you".

Nancy looked at her with sad eyes and asked. "What do you mean? Where was this? What happened?"

"I was 13. I lived in another town, not to far from here." Robin said. "The rumor started out with a girl who overheard me say something in the bathroom, to myself. I thought I was alone, but by the time I found out she was there, she ran out and told people. Starting with her friends. Who told their other friends, and so on. So, by the end of the day. Everyone was calling me a-", Robin stopped, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Calling me bad things. I tried to tell them that it wasn't true. But they all could tell I was lying. I went home, and I didn't say anything to my parents, but they got a call from the school. Saying 'there is a rumor your daughter is gay, and if it is true we'd like you to take her out of our school immediately' "

Nancy's eyes had widened and her jaw had dropped.

"My parents asked me 'is this true'? I lied. I told them over and over 'no Mom and Dad, no it's not true. I like guys'. Somehow, they believed me. They did however tell me if I was gay then they'd disown me and send me away. I was terrified, so I lied straight through my teeth. I swore to them I wasn't. They had told my school that it was an incorrect rumor. But that didn't stop kids from saying stuff." Robin paused for a second, turning to face Nancy. Both had tear-stained faces and red, puffy eyes.

"I was so relieved when I moved here. I swore to myself that no one was ever going to find out ever again....But then.....I met Steve," Robin let out a sigh. "and when I told him and he supported me. I finally felt like I had a family. A real family. So don't worry. You being a little rough with me isn't going to make me hate you. I promise. How you acted was nothing"

The two sat in silence for a moment, before Robin laughed a little " wow. I'm so sorry for absolutely venting and changing the topic so much".

"No, no it's okay," Nancy smiled. "Thank you for telling me. Really. I appreciate it. "

The two were facing towards each other again. Nancy reached over and wiped the tears from Robin's face. Then left her hand, resting on the other's face.

Robin's hand moved up to hold Nancy's. There was silence, but it wasn't awkward anymore.

The two stared into each other's eyes before leaning in.

Locking lips.

Sparks were flying. Chemistry. Real Chemistry.

Nancy had never felt anything more..... Right.

Robin was screaming eternally, she couldn't believe The Nancy Wheeler was kissing her right now.

When the two pulled apart, Robin had the biggest smile on her face, which caused Nancy to chuckle and smile.

"wow" Nancy said.

"Yeah, wow" Robin said.

"Um, we have to get back to the others." Nancy said, pulling away and starting up the car again.

"Yeah yeah." Robin said, smiling.

They laughed together, awkwardly, and started their way back.

"So um," Nancy said, with her eyes on the road, "do you want to go get dinner sometime? Y'know, if we live through yet another crazy attack from some freakish creature from The Upside Down?"

"Are you asking me on a date, Wheeler?" Robin asked, smirking.

"In fact, I am, Buckley. So what's your answer?" Nancy said.

"Hell yes! "

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