Rooftop Talks

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Bakugou's POV

The wind whipped around Bakugou as he crouched at the top of the hospital roof. The long coat that he wore blew around his body. Since the world still believed that he was locked up in Tartarus, he was instructed to stay out of the way and stay on the lookout. The team couldn't be sure if the League would make themselves known before they attack the hospital but no one wanted to take that chance.

'Damn nerds, I could be doing so much more than being a lookout.' He said inwardly. When, honestly, he was just thankful that Todoroki and the others now knew of his innocence.

Katsuki cracked a small smile, it was all thanks to Ochaco that these select few knew he was innocent. And soon the whole world would know as well.

Bakugou never thought this day would come. His plan was always to take down the League from the inside at all costs but he had never planned what to do after that. He never thought he would get that far.

Katsuki knew that Ochaco couldn't wait forever for him. He had explicitly told her not to wait for him in the letter that he left her before going undercover. He had always wanted her to be happy, even if that happiness caused him heartache.

He gently placed the golden pendant between his lips and absent-mindedly ran his fingers along his gold chain. The only thing he had left of his old life, the only thing that he had of Ochaco. Katsuki vaguely listened in to the earpiece that Todoroki had given him so he could speak with some of the evacuation team in the hospital on the floors below. Katsuki was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he didn't hear Ochaco landing on the roof behind him.

"What are you thinking about over there?" She said softly, causing Katsuki to jump slightly. After all his years living in shadows, and always looking over his shoulder, he had become jumpy.

Katsuki turned and looked at Ochaco, her cheeks as pink as ever. It then suddenly registered that she wasn't supposed to be here.

"Ochaco?!" Katsuki shouted. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Ochaco laughed, the sound filled Katsuki's ears and heart. He had forgotten how much he loved the sound of Ochaco's laughter. "Did you really think I wouldn't figure out what you were planning?" She smirked at him, folding her arms across her chest, cocking a brow at him.

Katsuki smirked back at her, he found it impossible to be mad at her for long. Katsuki could only admire how sassy she had gotten while they were together and while he had been absent.

"If you must know, Cheeks, I did tell Shoto that you would be pissed if you found out you got left out of this mission."

It was only then that Katsuki realised that Ochaco was wearing her full Hero Suit. Ready for battle.

Ochaco cast her eyes downward and shook her head. "I understand why he wouldn't want me in this fight after what Shigaraki said but I can't let you fight this battle without me. Not after everything the League has put me through."

"Shoto doesn't want you in this fight because he is scared of losing you, and honestly so am I," Katsuki sighed deeply. "I saw Shoto's face when Shigaraki had a hold of you at the Charity Ball. It's the same look that I had on my face when I saw you in the League's hideout. Fear, the absolute fear of losing you," Katsuki took a step toward Ochaco. "We both want you to be happy and safe. And Ochaco, I'm sorry for what I said back at Tartarus when we were making this plan. I didn't mean to snap at you and I immediately regretted it. I never wanted to get you involved in this plan. I know I have never been easy to deal with but I never intended to hurt you, ever."

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