The Final Plan

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Shoto’s POV

“When I said I would help you, I didn’t mean this.” Shoto grumbled.

“Sho, it’s fine.” Ochaco said quietly.

“No it’s not fine Ochaco. I don’t like the idea of using you as bait." Shoto folded his arms across his chest.

"If it's the only way to draw them out then I’m doing it, Shoto.”

Todoroki shot a glance at Bakugou who was standing at the end of the table. Leaning over the plans, seemingly not caring about what he and Ochaco were squabbling about.

“And you’re okay with this Bakugou? You’re really okay with Ochaco risking her life for you? Again?” Shoto’s voice raised in anger. The thought of losing Ochaco again was something out of his worst nightmares.

“Of course I’m not okay with this!” Bakugou snapped back at Shoto. “I never wanted to get any of you involved in this, especially not Ochaco. One accidental run in with her and my whole plan has gone to shit.”

The pain in Bakugou’s eyes was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. 

“Hey,” Ochaco said softly. She moved closer to Bakugou, placing her hand delicately on top of his own. “I wouldn’t have changed it for the world.”

Shoto noted that Bakugou’s arms relaxed slightly at her touch. The sight caused a dull pang in Shoto’s chest.

“I know my love,” Bakugou sighed. “But it wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

Shoto cleared his throat, making Ochaco’s hand retreat to her side. Both of them looked at him. “Bakugou, I swear, if anything happens to Ochaco.”

“Yeah, I know,” Bakugou cut him off. “And if I let anything happen to her, I would let you.” The two shared a knowing look.

“Let him do what?” Ochaco said softly, looking between the two men.

“Before we got together Icy-Hot threatened that if I ever hurt you he would,” Bakugou paused. “What did you say?” He smirked.

“I said I would make your life a living hell, if my memory serves me well.” Shoto glared back at Bakugou.

“Shoto?!” Ochaco squeaked.

“What? I was in love with you. He pissed me off.” Shoto said plainly. 

“How am I just now hearing about this?” Ochaco questioned.

“Well, it doesn’t really matter now does it?” Shoto let his arms fall to his side, leaning on the table in a similar way to Bakugou. “Bakugou, go over this plan with me one more time. I need to make sure we have a contingency plan for everything.”

“We will release a fake story to the press saying that Heroes have managed to get information regarding the League of Villains from interrogating me. And that after the attack at the charity ball that Ochaco is in the hospital receiving treatment.” Bakugou began to explain. His eyes fixed on the plans in front of him on the table.

“And what about all the civilians in the hospital? What happens to them in the crossfire. We need to keep casualties to a minimum if we want to win the public favour back for you.” Shinso said calmly.

“We will have everyone moved into a different wing of the hospital. No-one other than Shigaraki needs to die.” Bakugou said coldly.

“So that’s the end game is it?” Shoto said. “You’re planning on killing him?”

Bakugou flicked his eyes from the middle of the table up to meet Shoto’s then back down again.

“Katsuki, you can’t.” Ochaco breathed.

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